Isnt it funny; how they will televise the supporting of a failing - TopicsExpress


Isnt it funny; how they will televise the supporting of a failing program! Isnt our deficit high enough? Im just wondering... Didnt the Citi biking program; started with the support from the tax payers money {in creating biking lanes around New York City [and let us not forget; the continuation it takes in keeping extra paint on our City Streets]}. Isnt it strange; how the rich gets richer and the Deficit in the countrys financial system keeps growing! Wasnt this biking investment program given to us from a rich corporate enterprising individual with the promise; that the program will pay for itself {Michael Bloomberg}? Learn to listen and listen to learn! On all the different strategies that are used to create revenue in America {not that anyone is being watchful over their spending, but that they are creating revenue, but off of who [the tax payers and your savings account]}. Think4yourselves! Dont think; because we have recently heard about Alec Baldwin arrest for riding his bike the wrong way, as to suggest; the justice system we are face with today isnt blind any longer. See it; as it, really is! Justice is not only blind, because of a dollar bill, but the justice system individuals are bias as well {practicing racist opportunities whenever an opportune moment happens}. This Alec Baldwin situation is just a crumb given to the public to confuse their states of mind; before asking the public for more of their continuous financial support to and for the Citi biking program continuous survival, but cutback happen all the time with the downsizing on employment. Im just saying... Wake-up and smell the coffee, we are being bamboozled; by somebody! And learn how they are making the extra revenue for the country {by enslaving the public and creating stumbling blocks within the publics daily activities.
Posted on: Wed, 28 May 2014 09:55:59 +0000

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