Isnt it funny how time flies!!! I can remember when I was in my - TopicsExpress


Isnt it funny how time flies!!! I can remember when I was in my early 20s and my main focus was on my family and trying to cater for their every whim and need. Now that I am in my 30s I have for the past several years invested time into my own personal development and the needs and the wants of those support and are in my Inner circle (Immediate family and mates) have been reduced some what as the kids are getting older and independent. I have become Self-less! I do things for me at the time that I want and fortunate for that Inner circle have encouraged and nurtured this Selflessness. I recall a family member that when my children were born told me that it was now all about them...they were to be my main priority My Number 1. I tried and made a mess out of that one! By replacing My Needs as Number 1 we all suffered and the metaphoric wheels came off the wagon and I crashed. My Self-esteem took are real hammering. My diet was pretty poor, exercise was non existent and I felt fat, ugly, old and all those other describing words that we from time beat ourselves up with. I was largish and down right refused to go near a scale. As my 20s faded and I entered into my 30s I would have been around the late 80kgs. My circumstances changed dramatically and I lost 5 kgs in 7 days. Still I refused to stand on a scale. But I could tell as most of my clothes were loose and I needed smaller clothes. I was stocked that I lost so much weight but maintaining that slim me was a challenge. Nicotine was my besti. Hungry, had a smoke or two. Breakfast was usually a cup of coffee and a ciggi. Lunch, sandwich + siggi. Dinner, cooked meal or take out and a ciggi. What was a positive is that I rode a bike everywhere. No licence so exercise was defiantly up there! If only I knew now back then! I think I would have had better maintenance and been so much better off! 2014 roles along, life has steadied out, in a happy and positive environment within that Inner circle. Reconnected with some people from my past and they are into physical fitness, accredited personal trainers and the like. What are the Chancers Right! Start of my journey with Herbalife began in March 2014. Weighed 78.3 kgs. Body fat Range was 38.4%. The healthy range is 24.0%-27.6% % Body water range was 43.9% for a woman it is best around 50%-55% so I was dehydrated most of the time. Muscle mass was 45.8%. Physique Rating was a 2. 1-2 = Obese 3= Solidly built (1-3 fall into Obese/Untrained Category) 4= Under Exercised 5 -6 Standard/muscular (4-6 falls into Normal) 7= thin 8 = thin & muscular 9= very muscular. BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) is the number of Calories the body burns at rest. As we get older this BMR reduces and it is an indicator of required calories required according to individual physique and Lifestyle. My BMR was 6194 1480 My Basal Metabolic Age- what age your body. My BMA was 50 Bone Mass: Very important for both Genders Woman
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 13:03:10 +0000

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