Isnt it time for rallies in West Papua and around the world to - TopicsExpress


Isnt it time for rallies in West Papua and around the world to call on Ban Ki-moon to add General Assembly resolution 1752 to the agenda of the Trusteeship Council so West Papua can gain its independence and other human rights? Most non-self-governing territories do not have protection of the United Nations under international law, but trust territories do have that protection because they are colonies for which the General Assembly has made itself responsible. In early 1961 the United States made plans for making West Papua an United Nations trusteeship territory, But Indonesia wanted to use the UN system to get its hands on West Papua, And America wanted to get Allen Pope and his papers back from Indonesia, So America worked with Indonesia and the Dutch to create wording for a trusteeship agreement that would make West Papua an United Nations trust territory without the Papuan people being told that the agreement was written in context of chapter 12 of the Charter of the United Nations, Under international law West Papua is a trust territory entitled to its referendum and independence promised in article 76 of the UN Charter, but by not put the issue of General Assembly resolution 1752 on the agenda of the Trusteeship Council, the business partners of Indonesia have been able to stop the Council putting West Papua on the public list of trust territories and prevent it from asking the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for its advice whether West Papua is a trust territory. Then in 1969 Indonesia began telling a lie, a myth that the United Nations had endorsed the act of free choice. Indonesia by telling you that myth has distracted you from discovering the truth that West Papua can use the law to compel the United Nations to protect West Papuas rights under articles 76, 87, and 88 of the UN Charter. In other words, by calling for Ban Ki-moon to put res.1752 on the agenda of the Trusteeship Council you would be compelling the United Nations to promote West Papuas human rights under articles 76, 87, and 88 of the UN Charter. The story the US told other nations that it was in response to the attempted invasion was a smoke screen, the story the US told its friends that it was trading West Papua to stop the spread of communism was a smoke screen, and the story Indonesia tells about 1969 is a smoke screen to prevent the public realising that West Papua became a trust territory entitled to independence in September 1962 when the General Assembly made its resolution 1752.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 09:08:00 +0000

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