Isnt there room for multiple methods to cover all types of - TopicsExpress


Isnt there room for multiple methods to cover all types of learning? Is your continued assault on the Suzuki Method necessary? Cant you just let your own good method stand on its own merits? -K. Still It is more about me having to explain differences, which is part of my role as an author. The question that I still get most often from people is, what is the difference between your method and Suzuki? And, why should we leave Suzuki to use your Method since it is much easier to find a Suzuki teacher? So in the process of explaining differences, a heck of a lot of information has come in on it, much of it I find incredibly fascinating and quite alarming. Figured I should pass it on. People always make better decisions with the accurate information in. I was amazed that people called him Dr. Suzuki for instance when he didnt have a college degree. Heck, I could ask people to call me Dr. OConnor and who knows, that may help in some circles because after all I have the honorary doctorate like Suzuki. It is just very interesting, especially this take on him from Japan and Tomomi Kimura. I had somebody write in from a violin shop there in Tokyo and substantiated what she reported in the blog. They themselves did not feel like they had room for multiple methods and tossed Suzuki out of the private beginning and intermediate music studies in favor of other Japanese Violin Methods. Wow! I dont know about you, but that was news too me frankly. I am glad we could report on that in the Blog. I guess we just never heard about it here in the U.S. because they dont even really like talking about him much there evidently. Just wild! ...But the Japanese have taken this article blog to the extreme opposite 180% that you are taking it. They dont see it as an assault but rather as the truth. Since this blog has been up, just under a week now, it has been forwarded and shared in some of the Japanese violin community. They really agree! And now some have come forward wanting to make sure the OConnor Method is successful in Japan! Isnt that wild! So, what I am saying is that it appears that the Japanese might care more about launching the OConnor Method in Japan than hanging onto the few remnants left of Suzuki there. I guess when you print the simple facts and truth, there are people who respect that. In this case it is the Japanese violin community...I am still a little stunned by how fast this is developing. -M. OConnor Interesting. Thanks for your responses Mark -K. Still
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 20:05:00 +0000

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