Isn’t it interesting that the teacher of the truth, “Jesus” - TopicsExpress


Isn’t it interesting that the teacher of the truth, “Jesus” would challenged someone who chose to follow him to reconsider in light of what it would cost. Jesus, tells the rich young ruler (someone by the way that most churches today would jump at to join their fellowship) He says “You lack one thing: go, sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me” (Mk 10:21). Most teachers today (whose interest are self centered and in collecting crowds) are primarily interested in self-glorification, constantly thinking of ways to increase their following. Yet Jesus challenges this great prospect to the point that he walked away. You see Jesus was not interested in popularity. He was interested in the futures of those he came in contact with, and he wanted them to think hard about what it means to follow him.... Likewise, we should not shrink from the truth that it cost something to follow Jesus. In Luke 9:23 He says, “.... you must deny yourself, take up your cross daily to follow him. You see, there is more to being a Christian than just saying you believe in Him (demons believe in Him). And as it was then, it is today, Jesus has a lot of people who casually follow Him when it is self-serving to do so, but most are not willing to do what He asked, count the cost and take up their cross (die to self) and follow....Just Thinking Out Loud – In Christ Alone bro fred – sola scriptura
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 10:29:16 +0000

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