Isn’t it interesting that the word appointment comes from within - TopicsExpress


Isn’t it interesting that the word appointment comes from within the word disappointment? I’ve often marveled at that, because I’ve seen again and again how disappointments take something from us: a dream, a piece of our hearts – maybe whole chunks of it. But disappointment leaves something too: a gift, an opportunity, the possibility of creating change. This means we can move from the valley of the shadow of death to new horizons and bring others with us on that road. If people have disappointed you or circumstances have not turned out as you had hoped or prayed, let me encourage you with this … know that God is with you, cares for you and loves you. He is working all these things together for your good right at this very moment. There are many future God-appointments on the other side of this disappointment! Return to your fortress, you prisoners of hope; even now I announce that I will restore twice as much to you. (Zechariah 9:12) Christine Cane This reminds me of a very old song Theres No Disappointment in Jesus. He never makes a mistake, He always has us in the palm of His loving hand and He always wants the very best for us. We chose to listen, follow and obey. Be blessed dear one!
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 12:58:05 +0000

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