Isn’t it time to make this Benghazi Suspect Famous? By - TopicsExpress


Isn’t it time to make this Benghazi Suspect Famous? By Shoebat Foundation on October 25, 2013 in Blog, General Reports of U.S. Intelligence documents being leaked in Egypt show a lead suspect in Benghazi attack met with brother of al-Qaeda leader and was pardoned by then Egyptian president Mohammed Mursi. Last year, a left-wing group known as Invisible Children – as evidenced by the group’s love for Samantha Power and Cass Sunstein – launched a Kony 2012 campaign that was designed to “make Kony famous” with the help of a viral video. Joseph Kony is an evil warlord who should rightfully be brought to justice but the campaign smacked of political opportunism that included the sale of Kony merchandise with the manufactured assistance of the Hollywood celebrity culture. Even White House press secretary Jay Carney chimed in on the effort. When the elevation of Kony’s public profile is juxtaposed with the absence of such an effort to draw attention to a figure who has been identified by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) as a lead suspect in the 2012 Benghazi attack and even by the U.S. State Department as a terrorist, why isn’t there an effort to make Muhammad Jamal Abdo Al-Kashif famous? After all, he is a lead suspect in the Benghazi attack. You know what else? He’s in jail in Egypt and the vast majority of Americans know neither this nor his name. Why? Perhaps a reading of some relatively recent history can help us answer that question. Via Al-Watan News from one year ago (translated): Intelligence reports warned of Cairo becoming a new focus for al-Qaeda. This was also revealed by the involvement of elements of the organization in the bombing of a building in Nasr City. The Egyptian newspaper “Sabah” provided important information in the form of clues that led to the physical presence of members of al-Qaeda in Cairo. These members took advantage of the situation that followed the revolution which made it easier for their presence there. This information refers to the existence of links between the formation of the Nasr City cell and the killing of the American ambassador in Benghazi. Highlights at the front of the scene name jihadist Muhammad Jamal Abdo Al-Kashif, who was released by President Mursi after the revolution, and who is accused by U.S. intelligence reports of training elements that stormed the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, killing the ambassador and three American diplomats. {emphasis ours} Note: There is a point of confusion we need to underscore here. Al-Kashif was reportedly freed / released from prison in the weeks after the fall of Hosni Mubarak. This would have been prior to Mursi becoming president (this happened on June 24, 2012). We have seen reports that Mursi pardoned Al-Kashif but have been unable to determine if this means Mursi was involved in Al-Kashif’s physical release or pardoned him later. Al-Watan also reported on Al-Kashif’s meeting wit Mohammed al-Zawahiri, the brother of al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawwahiri (keep in mind that the cousin of the al-Zawahiri brothers was Mursi’s chief of staff): Commenting on this information, Dr. Mohammed al-Zawahiri, the brother of Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahiri, al-Qaeda leader, denied the presence of cells organized in Egypt, stressing in a statement that al-Qaeda has become just a thought and ended its presence after the killing of Osama bin Laden, and said that “everything on this issue arises just to excite journalists and has no presence on the ground.” The brother of the al-Qaeda leader revealed that he’d had a meeting with Sheikh Muhammad Jamal Abdo Al-Kashif but only once. Zawahiri said they talked in the affairs of the call (Da’wa) and did not touch the subject of the armed operations. {emphasis ours} So why doesn’t the Obama administration want to help make Al-Kashif famous like it was willing to do with Kony? Perhaps it has something to do with why it doesn’t seem interested in making famous the guy responsible for funding and arming Kony; that would be Omar al-Bashir, the president of Sudan who, like Mursi, represents the Muslim Brotherhood.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 01:39:19 +0000

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