Israel - Palestine war I dont usually comment on politics but - TopicsExpress


Israel - Palestine war I dont usually comment on politics but this particular issue has deep religious implications. As usual, my points will be very literal, simple and logical (unbiased too!): To solve this conflict its simple: 1. Why? nobody from either side is going to admit that they are wrong and forgive the other (not in this age). 2. What? since both want to fight regardless, lets call all those who wish to fight on a fair plain. It will be Hamas versus Israeli military. 3. How? Let them gather at an even battleground such as the flat plains of Megiddo. Let Hamas bring its army and Israel theirs and meet there. 4. Why again? Dont let innocent civilians (men, women & children) from either side die for your battle. So, let the heroic soldiers be brave and meet each other at say, Megiddo. 5. Next, just fight & pray to your own gods to help you. If God is on your side and Wills the killing of your enemy, He will let you win. If not, you will lose. 6. Finally, if you dont dare to do this, then the civilian casualties from both sides will go on (such cowardly way of fighting from both sides...) The End of the current age. A lot of false Christian teachers/pastors like to use verses such as Psalm 122:6 to teach the false doctrine of zionism where they pray for the prosperity of Israel and destruction of Israels enemy, namely Palestine (indirectly - without actually mentioning that name explicitly. For an example, may God crush His enemies = referring to Palestine.). This is Rubbish. The fact is that the very verse they quoted (psalm 122:6) does not support that. Surprised? Yes. Here is my literal explanation: 1. Firstly, heres the verse: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: May those who love you be secure. (Psalm 122:6) 2. Note that the verse says Pray for the peace of Jerusalem not pray for Israel. Note that Jerusalem is NOT Israel. 3. Next it says pray for peace not war by asking God to support Israels murder of Palestinians and vice versa. 4. Lastly, to pray for peace in Jerusalem, one has to pray for both sides which dwell in Jerusalem, namely the Jews & the Palestinians so that they do not fight (thats what peace means). 5. Regarding their final comment, cannot love is my weakness but I dont humiliate Christ by posting crap/teaching false doctrines in His Name. Theres a difference. Remember the thief on the cross. He was an absolute wrongdoer to his last breath but he had Respect for God. 6. Another error: Gods enemy is NOT Palestine. Israels enemy is Palestine. Bible also says unbelieving Israel is the enemy of the Gospel (Romans 11:28) and at the same time assures this enmity will be destroyed when He saves them too as the verse also says, All Israel will be saved (Romans 11:26). The enmity is temporal. P/S: Im not the antichrist. Your pastor who accuse me is in his camp.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 05:46:53 +0000

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