Israel; “God remembers His covenant forever, the word which He - TopicsExpress


Israel; “God remembers His covenant forever, the word which He commanded to a thousand generations; The covenant which He made with Abraham, and His oath unto Isaac and confirmed with Jacob for a statute, to Israel for an everlasting covenant.” PSALM (105:8-10) Now, Israel is a Country that is consistently bombarded from extremist factions and Governments. Iran, Syria, Pakistan, Hamas, Hezbollah, Al-Qaeda, and a plethora of others one could name. A week does not go by without a bomb falling on Israel somewhere. I can feel the palpable fear coming from her today. (I continually keep her in my prayers for peace and Divine protection against her enemies.) Israel is under the consistent onslaught of irrational philosophies, beliefs and behaviors that come from many who are following false prophets, spirits, and gods. (And I am not just speaking of the Middle East which is rife but, also of some in the Western world.) In a way Israel seems to be suffering a similar fate as that of the Cyclops. The Cyclops was a solitary figure who was doomed to know the day of his death each day of his life. Similarly, Israel is becoming increasingly ostracized and seems to be doomed to know the reality of her potential demise each day of her life. What fear this must engender! What defiance it must establish for the sake of survival! Israel is a Nation in shock. Her right to exist is at stake and is challenged continually and forcefully. She is suffering plainly and her fear is permeated throughout. She feels isolated in her strife and she has reason to. Increasingly painted as the aggressor, she finds moral support waning. Faced with today’s more popular philosophies, she finds even historically faithful allies abandoning her. Faced with seemingly more political expedient views from the World body, she finds her strategy faltering. She is lashing out with threats of war and that is a Country being driven by fear and not by the secure knowledge of God’s promised protection and presence. However understandable the reason for the fear, we know that “fear and moth doth corrupt.” Israel is currently a portrait in fear. Even though Israel’s right to exist here on earth is being challenged, THE REAL AND SIGNIFICANT ISSUE IS THAT ISRAEL’S RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD IS WHAT IS BEING CHALLENGED. AND IT IS BEING CHALLENGED IN THE HEAVENLY PLACES. FOR WE WRESTLE NOT AGAINST FLESH AND BLOOD, BUT AGAINST PRINCIPALITIES AGAINST POWERS, AGAINST THE RULERS OF THE DARKNESS OF THIS WORLD, AGAINST SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS IN HIGH PLACES. Now, God is Spirit and God is Love. Love is patient, love is kind. It is gentle and compassionate in all its considerations. Love hopes all. Love is just. Love trusts all. Love is merciful. Love is gracious in speech and action. Love forbears all. Love judges no one. Love does not prate and is not vain. Love seeks peace. God, in His goodness, claims the right to vengeance. Vengeance means; to set that which is wrong, right. Romans 12:19 says, “Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.” This is not a mere request from God. It is a very clear instruction and directive. Since God is the only righteous judge then He is the only one who can justifiably claim vengeance. He is the only one who knows how to, and can, and will, set those things that are wrong, right. This includes whatever is going wrong with your enemies. God is the only one with the sovereign right to vengeance. By threatening war, Israel is threatening to kill her fellow man. This goes directly against God’s commandment that we shall not kill. Israel has been tricked into believing that she must be the one to set those things that are wrong, right. She has been blinded from remembering what God has spoken to her and she has been made deaf from hearing what He continues to speak to her. Consistent hostile bombardment has led to a fear that has damaged the shield of her faith. This is what we are fighting. Here is fault that needs repair. Israel listen; We are commanded not to kill. This is found in both the Torah and the New Testament. Do not be tricked into taking the matter into your own hands. VENGEANCE IS MINE SAITH THE LORD! I WILL REPAY! And finally brethren, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are good, think on these things. God is pure and God is good. God is Love. Think on Love. Love God and Love your neighbor. All the law and prophets hang on these two things. Consider what I have reminded you of God’s Promises and Love and consider your response to your enemies. I submit that as long as you are gripped by corrupting fear then you will be led to despise and doubt rather than to love and believe. You doubt God’s promises therefore you prepare for war. This is where the fault that needs repair lays. Being tricked by the adversary into this trap you will not be availed of the calm seas that will lead to the largest and best revelations for you from God. Israel is being spiritually raped while her focus remains on what she sees with her five senses; rather than on what God has said and is saying in that still quiet voice that witnesses from within. The question is, can Israel find the strength to let go and let God? Can she once again become as Abraham where; when he believed it was accounted to him as righteousness. God defends the righteous. Israel, God fights for you. Why do you not believe and remember His promises and His commandments? Thou shalt not kill. Do not seek to do so. Follow Abraham’s example. Consider Sarah and her infertile womb. Consider the perfect Love of God. The perfect Love that comes from God casts out fear. You must listen and understand and do not remain unawares of the spiritual wiles of the adversary being used against you. You are engulfed in a spiritual war. And this, you very well know. Ask God to show you His victory. Let go and let God. Get out of His way! You are in danger if you persist in kicking up against the prick. By threatening to take action against your enemies you have taken God’s right to act away from Him. He will not force you against your will. What is your will at this moment? Open your eyes to the spiritual reality here. You must take responsibility once again to show that you believe our Heavenly Father. Give Him back His authority to act on your behalf. “I will go and return to My place, till they acknowledge their offence and seek My face: in their affliction they will seek Me early.” Hosea 5:15 Israel, my dear heart, if you have offended then it is that you have been led to believe that God will not follow through on His promises to you. You have been tricked into doubt. Turn back and remember Him once again and believe. Consider and contemplate His promises of Divine protection and guidance. Remember David and Goliath. Remember the walls of Jericho. Remember Daniel in the lion’s den. Remember God’s Love for those who obey his commands. God has promised never to desert you. God has not changed and God is faithful. Believe Him once again. Turn back, Oh Israel, your face once again to seek God. God, at this moment, should be your ONLY thought. Do not look at what the adversary has orchestrated to get you to take your focus off of God’s faithfulness. Did not God Himself tell you to ask Him and HE WILL prove it to you? America cannot. Neither can Rome nor any other but God. Where have you to look but to God for your salvation? “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!” Isaiah 52:7 Pray for peace. Act for peace. Follow peace. Prepare for peace. Israel, God reigns and His reign is unto salvation. He reigns through Love itself. Israel, God reigns and God remains. May His peace be with you as you follow after His will. Shalom and Love, Nancy Evelyn Pais
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 21:32:43 +0000

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