Israel IS occupying the land of Palestine illegally since 1948: - TopicsExpress


Israel IS occupying the land of Palestine illegally since 1948: the chart signed at the UN which gives birth to the state of Israel, specifically mentions the partition of the land between the two people equally (with what right they did that -to take away the Palestinians land- I do not know, but that is the way they did it and it has been accepted). But Israel has been taking ever since more and more land from the Palestinians by force. It is irrefutable, and anyone with two ounces of intelligence can see that clearly... unless they have a different agenda. However, Israel is there to stay. There is no doubt. Nevertheless, the taking of land should be stopped, and the original agreement should be enforced by all nations who signed it. Too much suffering from the part of both nations has been the unfortunate price that has been paid, which is the responsibility of machiavellian politics and politicians without souls. The indifference of certain sectors to this fact is nauseating. They obviously do not give a damn. And I do not understand how some people do not see that, that it is the people caught in the middle, on both sides, who in the end pay with their blood for all of the greed and evil of a small sector. The idea expressed by some people caught in the middle that these are ANCESTRAL ENEMIES is not true, it is nothing more than propaganda used to neutralize you so that the public opinion does not change the behavior of the evil doers on both sides. Do stop the attacks... on both sides. We all must unite our voices and strengths to make EVERYONE stop these calculated, cold blooded assassinations. These are crimes against whatever we hold most sacred. It is not the first time it has happened in the history of man and woman kind, and if we all do not take stand about it now... you finish the thought. Remember that we are not men anymore that go to the battle field to kill our foes with a sword, we are nothing more than a bunch of cowards who launch rockets and bombs from very far away. You never know who is going to be the next victim any more. Peace on earth to all men and women of good will. From those of bad will, may we be protected from them. I sincerely pray that they consider the fact that they do have a soul and that they are suffocating it with their actions.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 16:01:29 +0000

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