Israel and my BDS Dear Seward Co-op, The global community - TopicsExpress


Israel and my BDS Dear Seward Co-op, The global community needs your help. Each and every day children and young people are being murdered because YOU refuse to take a very simple action. Today, Friday the 14th of March, 2014, you may be reading about 30-50 rockets fired by Palestinians into Israel. No one was injured but youre probably also reading that Israel promises a harsh response. What youre NOT reading, and what youll never read or hear in American media is that those 30-50 rockets that harmed no one were fired in response to the murders of 6 innocent Palestinians by the Israeli Defense Forces last week. stream.aljazeera/story/201403111503-0023547 You wont read 18-year-old Saji Darwishs name in the American media because it wont be there. Israeli Defense Forces killed him while he was tending sheep. You wont read about Raed Ala-eddin Nafe Zeiter, a 38-year-old Palestinian murdered at the Allenby Bridge simply trying to cross the border legally. American media doesnt cover dead Palestinians. I spend a great deal of money at Seward Co-op and I intend to continue to do so. I want YOU to do the right thing and join the BDS movement against Israel because the global community needs you. I AM A JEW and I am asking you to help me help people being discriminated against to the point of death for more than 5 decades now. Enough is enough. Religion and politics are meaningless where injustice abounds and the Israeli regime dishes out injustice across Palestine on a daily basis. Im not asking you to spend money or to even impact your bottom line. You cant possibly carry enough products from Israel for that to happen and you know as well as I do that they can be easily replaced for now. I also understand that you have no Palestinian neighbors, no Palestinian friends and no Palestinian customers. I dont either. So what? Injustice anywhere is injustice in my house, its injustice on my block, on my watch, on my planet. And its injustice in your house too. Do you have any idea who is participating in the BDS Movement? Here are the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) headlines that youll find easily on Google. All of these items are the result of the BDS movement: US Methodist General Board of Church calls for SodaStream boycott Israeli Water Firm Loses 170 Million In Argentina As BDS Spreads 202 Cities Across The Globe Participate In BDS Agrexco Largest Exporter of Israeli Produce Bankrupt, BDS Europes Largest Co-Op, Co-Operative Group of UK, joins BDS University of Johannesburg Severs Ties With Ben-Gurion University, BDS Egyptian Football Association No Longer Wears Addidas, BDS Israeli Firm Alstom Loses 10 Billion Dollar Contract, BDS European Parliament Votes Not To Renew Contract With G4S Caterpillar Removed From MSCI-ESG Investment Index For Association With Israel Norwegian Government and 12 European Finance Institutions Boycott Israel Turkey and Norway Suspend Military Relations With Israel Quaker Friends Fiduciary Corp Divests $900,000 In Shares Of Caterpillar University of Massachusetts Votes Pro-BDS Scores of artists, musicians, filmmakers and writers have refused to perform in Israel or canceled scheduled performances following pressure from the BDS movement including Bono, Snoop Dogg, Jean Luc Godard, Elvis Costello, Gil Scott Heron, Carlos Santana, Devendra Banhart, Faithless, the Pixies, Cassandra Wilson, Cat Power, Zakir Hussain and many, many more. Many artists and other cultural figures now speak publicly of their support for BDS: Roger Waters, Alice Walker, Naomi Klein, John Berger, Judith Butler, Etienne Balibar, Ken Loach, Arundhati Roy, Angela Davis and Sarah Schulman, among others. I could list participants in the Israeli BDS Movement for pages and pages. Why? Because its the right thing to do. The global community came together when South Africa enacted its draconian Apartheid policies and were coming together now—Jews, Muslims, Christians, Atheists, Buddhists, everyone. Please, divest yourselves from the Apartheid and Racist Israeli regime until they honor Palestinian human rights. Israeli behavior should be an outrage to all Jews and all people of the world, and it is. Please, do the right thing here. The global community is counting on you. Cordially, Jeff Prager Founder & Publisher - retired Senior Magazine 612-353-XXXX Email with request for telephone response sent today.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 00:30:55 +0000

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