Israel builds Jewish only cities in the West Bank after - TopicsExpress


Israel builds Jewish only cities in the West Bank after demolishing the homes of the native people and then uses their military to protect the colonies. Palestinians react as any other people would who were being racially colonized. In Gaza Israel maintains a blockade and has murdered thousands. The US finances religious fanatics on both sides but gives a thousand times more to Israel than Hamas. But they aid Hamas enough to ensure they stay in power. Its simple really, Israel has no interest in peace. You cant pretend to even want peace while simultaneously colonizing your neighbors. Israel segregates roads and schools and has laws against inner racial marriages. Its politicians openly use racial slurs and talk about genocide. It is an apartheid state that has annexed territory. But because of religion people feel an attachment to the land as well as Jews. And because of the holocaust any criticism of Jewish racism no matter how overt it is must battle with accusations of antisemitism. Israels recent slaughter however has finally broken their PR. Even mass media figures who are whores to government ate for moral reasons after seeing enough dead children, speaking out. Not small this gets you fired but it is happening in unison because Israels apologies this time are so see through. Like a rapist blame the victim. The racist state of Israel has gone too far this time. Even its most blind supporters are beginning to leave. Now is the time to cut all aid to Israel.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 01:49:06 +0000

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