Israel can never do any wrong! As Israel unleashes its missiles - TopicsExpress


Israel can never do any wrong! As Israel unleashes its missiles of hell on the innocent people Palestine as a means of collective punishment for the killing of 3 Israeli teenagers the world leaders cowardly and impotently watch in silence. Everyone agrees that those who have killed the three teenagers must be brought to justice but Israel cannot behave unjustly in the name of justice and call for all out war and blood of the entire Palestinian people. Israeli government kills 80 Palestinians for every one Jewish person killed by the Palestinians! How is that justice? The world leaders queue up to send condolences to the family of the killed teenagers they forget to send even an ounce of condolence to the many innocent people killed in Palestine by the Israeli indiscriminate bombardment! The shameless and naked blind support of Israeli criminal and human right abuses by many of the Western leaders and journalist is utterly disgraceful. Shame on the western world’s complicity in Israeli atrocities! Israel lies to the world and tells us that Palestinians are the terrorists. How absurd! Israel has been the key perpetrator of human rights abuse, indiscriminate bombardment, illegal occupation, building of illegal settlements, collective punishment, house demolitions, arbitrary arrest, extra judicial killing and running an apartheid and racist state. It has violated more United Nations resolutions than any other countries in the world. It seems in the eyes of the West Israel can do no wrong and the Palestinians are to be blamed for all the ills in that region. This is the most bizarre twisting of facts! As Israeli Prime Minister and his spokesman pretend to the world that they are actually civilised and the fault is squarely of the Palestinians the western world fall for their crocodile tears. There is no evidence that Hamas was behind the kidnap and killing of these three teenagers yet Hamas is blamed by the Prime of Minister, law makers, community leaders and event the masses of Israeli Jewish people. Hundreds of Hamas leaders have rounded up, put behind bars and their families punished. The state of Israel tells us that the Hamas seeks to obliterate Israel but never owns up to the disgusting and uncivilized public discussions in Israel that calls for the total obliteration of the Arabs and Palestinians. Israeli politicians have called for blood, one demanding that Ramadan be turned into a “month of darkness.” Meanwhile the United States has called for “restraint.” Here are a few examples of the types of discussion dominating the public discourse in Israel today and its been reported in various social media outlets: “Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu led the pack, calling the killers of the youths “human animals” and stating “Hamas is responsible. Hamas will pay.” Netanyahu specifically used the word “revenge” hinting at what he may have in store. But many went even further. Former Israeli lawmaker Michael Ben-Ari posted a video and a statement demanding “to transfer the pain to the cruel enemy. Make Ramadan into a month of darkness for them!” We are living in a “jungle,” Ben-Ari said, calling Palestinian children “little terrorists.” He called for a rally in Jerusalem on Tuesday demanding: “Death to the enemy, evacuation, and wiping off of [their] smile. And start with Haneen Zoabi, let her go help in Syria,” he said, referring to the Palestinian lawmaker in Israel’s parliament, the Knesset. Housing minister Uri Ariel called for the extrajudicial executions of leaders of Hamas and for Israel to “start a wave of construction in the settlements in response to the murder of the abductees.” Limor Livnat, the minister for culture and sports, wrote on Facebook, “May God avenge their blood.” Tzachi Hanegbi, a former cabinet minister from the ruling Likud party, speculated, “I don’t know how many Hamas leaders will remain alive after tonight.” Tzipi Hotovely, another Likud lawmaker and deputy minister, wrote that “Israel must declare a war of annihilation of Hamas, which is responsible for the murder, and return to the assassination policy.” Economy minister Naftali Bennett, leader of the ultra-anti-Palestinian Jewish Home party, declared “Murderers of children and those who direct them cannot be forgiven. Now is a time for actions, not words.” Agriculture minister Yair Shamir took the news as an opportunity to incite against Palestinian citizens of Israel, whom he accused of defending the kidnapping. “It will not be long before history settles the account with you,” he wrote on Facebook. Calls for any sort of restraint were virtually absent. Alarmed by the atmosphere of incitement, Israeli human rights group B’Tselem called on the government to “refrain from acts of vengeance” and warned of “revenge” attacks by settlers. From the moment news broke that the Israeli youths’ bodies were found, Israeli social media, including Twitter and the Facebook pages of major Israeli media outlets such as Walla! News, were quickly filled with pervasive and lurid calls for bloodshed that have become all too familiar. Some examples included Facebook users Kobi and Karen Haddad, who demanded that Israel “incinerate Gaza and Hebron.” Lior Banay demanded that Israel “destroy Hebron.” “These Arabs,” wrote Yuval Efrat, “We should eliminate them all, just go in and spray them. Enough!” Calls for “Death to the Arabs” were too numerous to count, but some went further. Twitter user Daniel Ronen, for instance wrote “Death to the Arabs! We must incinerate them and hang up their bodies in front of their children.” US President Barack Obama issued a statement of condolences to the families of the three youths and condemned their killings as a “senseless act of terror against innocent youth.” Obama has never expressed sympathy or condolences for any of the more than 1,400 Palestinian children murdered by Israeli occupation forces and settlers. But with the dire situation across the region, the US appears eager to avoid further escalation and Obama urged “all parties to refrain from steps that could further destabilize the situation.” EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, who also ignores Israel’s frequent killings of Palestinian children, also condemned the killings of the Israeli youths and hoped that the “perpetrators of this barbaric act will swiftly be brought to justice.” Ashton also surely knows that Palestinians cannot get anything resembling “justice” in Israel’s military court system. Following Obama, Ashton also urged “restraint of all parties concerned in order not to further aggravate the fragile situation on the ground.” The above examples of the types of public statements show the true colour of Israeli politicians and the masses. The truth is Zionism is a bad news for the Jewish people and this extremist and racist political ideology is toxic for all Jewish and non-Jewish people of the world. Dont cry foul and dont tell me that I am anti-semitic for criticising the evil ideology that drives Israel, I am anti-Zionism but never anti-Jewish people. In fact my faith makes it an obligation on me to recognise that Jewish people are people of the book and must be accorded respect and honour. However, I am required to stand for fairness and justice at all cost. Today the state of Israel is an unjust state and I am not scared of calling it just that. I believe two state solution will never work. I believe in one state for all people regardless of their race, religion and colour. It must be a democratic state where all people have equal rights and a constitution that upholds the sanctity and integrity of a pluralist and inclusive state. This problem will never be solved if the West demonstrates shameless and naked hypocrisy and becomes a tool for Israeli apartheid. We must end this political preposterousness and bring this brutal state of Israel to task as well as enforce a peaceful settlement urgently.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 00:54:56 +0000

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