Israel deluding itself a house of cards Lawyer Ali Abohablh - TopicsExpress


Israel deluding itself a house of cards Lawyer Ali Abohablh Israel lives in a big trick after Aohmt audience and the whole world as the dominant regional power and in control of the region, trick Israel in it the dominant force and the American base in the western protect the interests of these countries, make them thinkthat they can evade the Palestinian national rights and the right of the Palestinians the historical land of Palestine, the rape of Israel to the land of Palestine and the defeat of the Arabs in the Six-Day War was introduced in the circle of illusion and make them behaveas a base of America and the West in the region, and increased the deception Israel itselfto have been able to isolate Egypt from its Arab, regional and remove them from the circle of Arab-Israeli conflict, check to Israels dream of establishing the existence of during theCamp David agreement and held for peace with Egypt was followed by a series ofagreements ranging from agreement Asilwa for limited autonomy, which was heldbetween the PLO and Israel, and drop Israel this Convention Ptherbha of implementation of entitlements, which leads to the establishment of an independent Palestinian state up tothe fourth of June 67 where the evacuated Israeli governments all of this Conventionspecified Kag framework for a period of five years expired at the end of 1999 and theConvention on the Arava between Jordan and Israel, where mutual recognition, andenable the governments of the Israeli entity establish many relationships directly with many countries of the Arab system and open and spun yarn for economic relations and investment in many countries Arabic so that managed these agreements to penetrate theArab Leagues decision to boycott Israel economically, enabled the Arab situation and thescrambling of Arab normalization with Israel to isolate the Palestinian cause from its Araband convert priority conflict and character compass conflict with Israel to become the Arab conflict internal to the success of America Bmkhttha of the project the American Zionist to spread the culture war doctrinal sectarian, disintegrated Arab Decade to face schemesIsraels expansionist war Zionist-American on Iraq and the occupation of Iraq coverArabic, America succeeded in its plan to consolidate the idea of the Zionist entity as the dominant force controlling interest in the Middle East, the Arab Spring and the dissemination of the culture of creative chaos based on the idea of Condoleezza Rice, theconcept of creative chaos is part of a plan to consolidate the concept and marketing ofIsrael as a regional hegemon in the region, began to establish the concept of strength forthe Israeli regime and marketed as a deterrent in the region in Israels war against Lebanon in 2006, and its goal the elimination of Hezbollah and isolate Syria from Iranwithin the scheme to dismantle the system impedance viewpoint strategic US-Zionist afterthe assassination of Rafik Hariri, who was assassinated by Israel, according tointelligence reports, America, crashed theory of Israeli deterrence steadfastness ofHezbollah victory over Israel was through former President George W. Bush Jr. writes his memoirs that he was dumbfounded by defeating Israel and not being able to defeatHezbollah, according to the text of his memoirs that the request of the Secretary of StateCondoleezza Rice quickly move to the rescue of Israel and to prevent the fall of the government of Fouad Siniora, the theory of Israel Kabryotsoegaha as a deterrent began tocrumble and its falling apart in front of these developments and the facts that imposed itself on the essence and the fact that conflict and realized that America should protect Israel require targeting Syria and Iran, where all attempts to overthrow the Syrian state andfailed Israel to drop the resistance in the wars in 2008 and 2012 on the Gaza Strip, whereIsraeli has failed to rehabilitate to Israels deterrence, American-Zionist project crash on the land of steadfastness to Syria, where he failed every Arab attempts to overthrow the Syrian state and the failure of the project to divide Syria, where he managed the Arab Spring to turn Libya into a failed state and becoming pose a threat to the region, particularly Egypt, Algeria and Tunisia, succeeded American politics Zionist dividingSudan and succeeded partitioning scheme targeting Iraq war, sectarian sectarian and what the region is witnessing the spread of movements incitements and extremist groupsand the dissemination of culture, which leads to war doctrinal sectarianism in the regionwhere Israel used it all began aggression on the Palestinian people its wardestructiveness of the Gaza Strip in 2014, Israels war on the Palestinian people revealedthe case of the trick that prevailed in Israel and the fact that it is a house of cards, thisbrute force and this mighty entity Israeli crash on a rock steadfastness of the Palestinian people, unable to machine the Israeli enemy from oppression will solid to the forces of the Palestinian resistance and the Palestinian people, did not faze the massacres of Israeland its crimes against the Palestinian people Palestinians to abandon their land Palcontrary, it seemed the interest to stick to the ground and withstand the legendary thus did not reduce Israels crimes and massacres of the determination and the steadfastness ofthe Palestinians in the face of Israeli aggression, stripped Israel of all morality and hitflouting all international agreements and treaties and demolished houses Sakinh andbombed mosques, hospitals, schools, and subjected to ambulance crews and journalists,though Israel did not achieve victory against the Palestinian people and revealed the fact that the Israeli entity and show the whole world the case of weakness and the weakness that it the Israeli entity, which is a house of cards, Israel embodied the policy of apartheidas she did from the targeting of civilians, children and the elderly, women and certificates, regional and international humanitarian organizations and the Human Rights Council,Israel Bmjazarha what she did of crimes all live up to the level of war crimes violatedinternational humanitarian law and all international treaties and agreements, in particularthe Geneva Convention III and IV related the protection of civilians in time of war, Israel lost the war morally after that unfolded racism and stripped of all ideals and ethics, is no longerpossible to deceive the world by the fact racist Israeli entity and Israel deluding itself andits audience that it still has the power to deter scare the opponent, Israel lost its importance and its power of deterrence in this war and that the steadfastness of the Palestinian people and the ability of the resistance Besmudha of dislocation theoryPalestinian security, Palestinian resistance managed to hit the theory of Israeli securityand confirmed to the whole world invalidity argument Israel borders safe and ableresistance from hitting the depth of the Israeli entity and managed to take the fight to theground where there are Israeli army imposed a deportation exclusively on the population of the settlements and imposed a no-fly civilians on the Israeli entity for the first time in the history of Israeli-Palestinian conflict, there is no longer room for interpretation or ijtihad that Israel is deluding itself and has proved to be weaker than a spiders web and the Israeli entity point of America and the West is no longer a rule that could protect the American and Western interests and that assessments are conducted at the level of centers for Strategic Studies American and Western truth about Israel and how the ability of the resistance in the legendary steadfastness and the ability of the Palestinian people stronglywill triumph over machine of destruction, which is owned by the Israeli army, said Israel is trying to earn a policy to compensate for the lost field and the government of the Israeli enemy flexes its muscles system Arabian engaged project American Zionist to achievethe security of Israel and the liquidation of the Palestinian cause, the sudden Israeli entityand the Arab system unit Palestinian position within the Palestinian paper demandsconsolidated rightful claimed achieving the Palestinians within their project libertarianinsist on the necessity of commitment to the Israeli entity, the implementation of the commitments made and signed by the governments of the Israeli entity on previousairport, port and corridor security, and the government of the Israeli entity override someArab attitudes that support the positions of the Israeli entity intransigent and that reveal the truth and the fact that the supporters of this entity racial, that this entity is a house of cardsand bullying regime Arab engaged the project the American Zionist became feared forhimself from the results of the aggression, and that the media machine of the Zionistrecruit itself to bring about a split in the Palestinian position, and that some who callpositions and statements serve the Israeli position to make a rift and division, and that isposed by the Minister of Justice of the Zionist Tzipi Livni and what she called the planinclude the easing of the blockade on the Gaza Strip and the cease-fire flowing withinattempts events of a rift in the Palestinian position unified, said Israel deluding itself to its positions and its intransigence and its intransigence of the Palestinian demandslegitimate and that the Palestinian will step down trend historic sticking its unity and end the division and form a government of national consensus and oriented historic Palestineis the delegation unified and uphold the need to implement government entity Israelidemands legitimate and which governments pledged its predecessor and has reneged onits commitments and most likely that the Palestinians are today at the doors of the historical stage unit position and insisting on the necessity of carrying out their demandwithin their project of national liberation which leads to the liberation from Israeli occupation and that Israel is obliged to do so and is aware of and know that deception will not last long and its already an entity a house of cards, which requires Arab regimechange real leads to exert pressure on the Zionist occupation government to change their positions and respond to the demands, the just for the Palestinian people, Ive failedattempts symbols compass conflict and succeeded the Palestinian people steadfastnesslegendary straighten compass and proof that the compass of the conflict and its essenceremains confined to the conflict with Israel, and everything else from conflicts contrived will not be able to achieve the security of Israel or the security of the Arab system, which he should not bet on the power of deterrence Zionism and not betting on America and the West, which has become orientations and destination to secure its interests around who can achieve that after apprehensive that the Arabs are busy Bouklavathm and dimensionsfor the first priorities of their cases It is the Palestinian issue, which returned to form theaxis of conflict and attract interests and regional attraction
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 16:13:52 +0000

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