Israel has created a no mans land in Gaza, shrinking it by 40%. - TopicsExpress


Israel has created a no mans land in Gaza, shrinking it by 40%. Its no longer applicable (like it ever was in the first place) for them to say that Hamas is using people as human shields. Before the implementation of this no mans land, the Palestinians who were not resisting had literally nowhere to run to. Knowing how small Gaza was before hand, these hapless people are sitting ducks now, just waiting for Israel to mow them down. This Israeli onslaught is just getting worse as the days are passing. Even with the UN breathing down its neck, Tel Aviv still feels empowered enough to commit more possible crimes against humanity and war crimes. Meanwhile more government officials have racist and insensitive things to say about the Palestinians. Danny Ayalon said in 2012 that most Palestinians deserved die in Gaza. Obviously this is not the first instance of racism flowing out of the Israeli regime. Just a week ago or two, Ayet Shaked called for the genocide of the Palestinians and also added that the mothers give birth to little snakes. Now imagine if an American government official called for the genocide of any group of people on a Facebook page or talking to the media. Americans, most of whom are ultra-sensitive, would have undoubtedly been outraged and called for the resignation of that particular politician. But since its an Israeli, more importantly since its Jewish Zionist political figures, the Western media either does not report on it, ignores it, or somehow rationalizes the racist statements. How can we as a society here in the United States frown so much at racism to a point where racism is all but socially outlawed and turn around be all-out in support of the most racist country in the world, if not all-time? How is that possible. If Shaked was an American politician especially on the right, where she is in Israel apart of the ruling coalition, the Homes Party I believe its called, the Left would be losing their minds. Why was MSNBC and CNN silent on the issue and not demanding punishment for Shaked and in the larger picture calling for the end of foreign aid to Israel? The proof in this case, is in the pudding. All anyone needs to do is pay attention to the reporting of CNN more notably, of Israels onslaught in Gaza. Their reporter in Gaza who witnessed Israelis celebrating the bombings in Gaza, was removed by CNN for calling them scum. Scum seems to be a fairly accurate term for individuals celebrating the destruction of human life. NBC yanked their lead reporter in Gaza after he was playing soccor with the 4 little boys that were murdered on the beach by Israeli mortars. Israel shamelessly tried to say that those boys were Hamas human shields. I have three final question s for Israel. If Hamas is like you say, using the large number of Palestinian deaths as a way to envoke sympathy from the world community, why continue to give them what they want by killing more civilians? Why allow them a foothold in the propaganda war? Why not be the bigger individuals and demand that Hamas meets you at the peace table, instead of murdering more Palestinians? Your excuses and weak ceasefire terms with the United States and Egypt do not suffice. Israel you and your supporters are a disgrace to humanity.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 15:05:27 +0000

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