Israel have failed. They have lost overwhelming national and - TopicsExpress


Israel have failed. They have lost overwhelming national and international support, all justification for their crimes, and any possibility of a political partnership with a Palestinian government. Besides the continued slaughtering of children, women, and men. Besides the destruction of mosques, hospitals, schools, and homes. Besides the levelling of entire towns, Israel are now at a complete loss about what to do. This is bound to happen when a state bases its entire existence on violence, discrimination, dishonesty, and fallacies. How have Israel failed? - Hamas have not launched a single rocket since the last 72-hour ceasefire ended. Yet Israel are still being attacked with rockets and meeting resistance. It turns out that PLOs military forces are now openly leading the attacks. This follows after August 6ths negotiations failed due to Israels profound refusal in giving Gaza the smallest amount of basic human rights. More and more groups in Palestine are now actively resisting. The main point here though, is that Israel no longer have a scapegoat to blame. PLOs leader Abbas has strongly followed Israels lead until now. In fact, PLO are recognised by Israel as a legitimate political party and the leaders of Palestine. Hence, the long-relied on blame of we are fighting terrorists as a justification has been rendered completely void. Whether Israel admit it or not, they are fighting a stand for basic rights by an internationally recognised government, for its people. PLO have declared that they will also be filing a complaint to the International Criminal Court against Israel. - A growing 68% of Israels public believe that this war has not achieved any of its objectives. Israels military have already suffered a loss of more than 160 personnel with nearly 1,600 injured, including dozens of high-ranking officers. I am deliberately using Hamass estimations because if the past has been any indication, Israels public reports are always later proven to be false and an apology issued. These military losses have been incurred even though Operation Protective Edge, among other goals, focuses largely on attempting to restrict military casualties by relying on advanced warfare like tanks, F16 Jets, strikes from the sea, and other heavy artillery aimed at civilians. By heavily raiding an area before advancing, it reduces the likelihood of resistance upon invasion and forces the population into submission (Israeli Attack Force logic). - Protests across the world in places like South Africa, England, and Australia are averaging nearly 200,000 participants. For millions of people to be standing in solidarity across the world at the same time is an immense statement. Israels every move is now in the public eye. These protests have seen high standing political figures demand the boycotting of Israel through arms, and even economic embargos. - Tzipi Livni, a two time Israeli foreign minister appeared earlier on American news claiming that it is too much for Hamas to ask in negotiations that the harbor be extended and airport be made available to the people of Gaza. She was immediately reminded by a Palestinian spokesman that the allowing of an airport and extension of the harbor did not even need to be negotiated for, it had already been granted during past peace dialogues. Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin agreed with Palestine leader Arafat during negotiations in 1995 to allow the building and existence of an airport in Gaza. This was done with Russia, Egypt, Jordan, Norway, and the EU as arbitrators, and finalised by US President Bill Clinton. Around the same time, French President Jacques Chirac allowed for the extension of Gazas harbor, again, with Israels agreement. When Palestine ask for these things, they are not negotiating. They are simply requesting prior promises that have already been signed and granted to be upheld. Tzipi Livni was lost for words on live television. - Articles like the Amnesty International report published in 1992 detailing the rape and torture of Palestinian women detained by Israeli authorities are resurfacing. The reports also go into detail about continuous victimisation and utter degradation targeting Palestinian women and children through use of rape, torture, and abuse. A particular example given is that of Fatimah Salamah in 1990, who while in detention was threatened by Israeli soldiers. The soldiers allegedly said they would rape her with a chair leg and have naked photographs of her taken and sent to family- she was ultimately imprisoned upon retrieval of a false confession through these means. Other reports detail many horrors of events before Hamas ever came into power. This in itself proves the racial discrimination and continuous presence of Israels ethnic cleansing to be sufficient reason within itself for their actions. It is an unfortunate repeat of Nazi behaviour, and deliberate injustice. Hamas has always been just an excuse. In its desperation, Israeli violence has extended to the West Bank where 12 Palestinians have been shot dead, and more than 40 injured during protests. As I said... Israel have failed.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 16:32:22 +0000

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