Israel is by no means alone in having to deal with the - TopicsExpress


Israel is by no means alone in having to deal with the complexities of asylum seekers and new populations. In this article, we look at the response in Kenya, and in an earlier article, at the Australian response. "Imagine the Israeli deputy attorney general’s Kenyan counterpart, standing with a frozen drink in her hand, urging her superiors to adopt various measures to make asylum seekers lives miserable in order to deter them from coming to Kenya. Imagine a Kenyan state attorney standing in court, screaming that ‘they’re all work infiltrators and not refugees,’ that ‘Kenya is the only developed country that shares land borders with Somalia and Ethiopia’ (from where most its asylum seekers arrive), and that the draconian measures ‘were written in order to prevent ‘infiltrators’ from setting roots in Kenya’s cities.’ The Kenyan court did not accept the authorities’ claims; instead, it ruled that concentrating asylum seekers in refugee camps was illegal. The court based its decision on Article 26 of the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, which guarantees freedom of movement for asylum seekers; it ruled that their confinement in refugee camps violates the convention and Kenya’s own laws. " 972mag/would-israels-refugee-policies-stand-up-in-nairobi/77314/
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 13:07:07 +0000

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