Israel sucks. Not the place, not the people, but the country, - TopicsExpress


Israel sucks. Not the place, not the people, but the country, which means the political jurisdiction of a parasitical gang of thugs and thieves. Of course, every OTHER country in the world sucks too, to one degree or another, for the same reason. And yes, that includes the authoritarian regimes which oppose the authoritarian regime of Israel. In any conflict between ruling classes and control freaks, there is no such thing as a good side. And it is profoundly stupid to claim that opposing a violent authoritarian ruling class is somehow racist or anti-semitic. I oppose the STATE of Israel because its a STATE, not because the sociopathic murderers who run it happen to be Jewish. (Likewise, when I bash Fuhrer Obama, its because hes a mass-murdering tyrant, not because hes half black. Duh.) I dont give a crap about us versus them when its in terms of Jew vs. Muslim, or white vs. black, or rich vs. poor, or American vs. illegals, or any of those fabricated divisions. The only us versus them I care about is: people who ARE willing to leave others in peace, and people who ARENT. The latter group includes every government in the history of the world, including the sadistic, power-happy, war-mongering assholes currently in power in Israel. And if youre one of those morons who will idiotically decide that I must LIKE it when Arabs commit murder, because I OBJECT when Jews commit murder, you need to learn how to think. Stop trying to place any credit or blame on any demographic GROUP (Jews, Arabs, Christians, Muslims, Americans, whites, blacks, whatever) because of what certain INDIVIDUALS do. I dont give a crap what color you are, what you worship, where you were born, or what you think of me. If you initiate violence against others, you are my enemy. If you dont, youre not. And EVERY government of EVERY country initiates violence against innocents. Thats why its impossible to be pro-justice without being anti-government, and why I will always oppose the state of _____, regardless of which name of an authoritarian jurisdiction you put in the blank.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 15:54:35 +0000

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