Israel tries to wrap up Anti-Semitism, with their governments - TopicsExpress


Israel tries to wrap up Anti-Semitism, with their governments expansion policies. They are not the same. I have no issue with Jewish people, but their government is as much a terrorist organization, as Hamas. But try and criticize it, and you are accused of being a bigot. Thats a nice little arrangement theyve put together for themselves, there. People ask me if I agree that Israel has a right to exist. But that question proceeds from a false premise. Religions, and races, do not have rights to their own nations, in my opinion. A Nation should be comprised of many peoples whose common denominator is that they are all committed to living together in peace. In my opinion, asking if Israel has the right to exist, isnt the correct question to ask. Did the nations involved, have a right to force the creation of Israel on the surrounding nations that existed at the time? No, is the answer to that question. The issue is that the governments in that area, were mostly religious based governments, and all Muslim. Also, most were not democracies with a respect for varied personal belief systems. If the area were governed by secular democratic governments, then maybe Jews coming home, would not have been as much of an issue. But that was not the case, and we set up a system that had no choice but to fail. And it has, miserably. What was done, cannot be undone. What has to happen immediately, it for Israel to grant a homeland for Palestinians, and remove all settlements. Im sick to death of both sides. Hamas using civilians as shields. Israel bombing civilians. and both sides proclaiming their love for their fictitious deity as their excuse.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 13:44:15 +0000

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