Israel urges calm after Palestinian teenagers body found 2 July - TopicsExpress


Israel urges calm after Palestinian teenagers body found 2 July 2014 Last updated at 19:34 Israeli leaders have appealed for calm after the discovery of a kidnapped Palestinian teenagers body sparked clashes in East Jerusalem. Mohammed Abu Khdair, 17, was seen being forced into a car early on Wednesday. Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu condemned the despicable murder and the mayor of Jerusalem urged restraint. Palestinian leaders said they held Israel responsible for the killing, amid claims it was in revenge for the murder of three Israeli teenagers. Agence France-Presse quoted the militant group Hamas as telling Israeli leaders: Our people will not let this crime pass... You will pay the price for these crimes. The BBCs Yolande Knell in Jerusalem says the Palestinian teenagers funeral is now expected to take place on Thursday and will be another cause for tension. Law-abiding state Israeli police are still investigating the possible motives for the death. Mr Netanyahu said he had ordered police to work as quickly as possible to find out who was behind the heinous murder of the youth and called on both sides not to take the law into their own hands. Violence erupted in Shufat, East Jerusalem, after the body was discovered There were also early morning clashes in Jenin in the West Bank Israel is a law-abiding state and everyone is obliged to act according to it, he said. Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat also denounced the murder, urging all to exercise restraint. This is a horrible and barbaric act which I strongly condemn, he said. Israeli Internal Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch urged patience as the investigation was carried out. The US condemned the killing. National Security Adviser Susan Rice said in a series of tweets it was a heinous murder and that the perpetrators must be brought to justice. Secretary of State John Kerrys statement said there are no words to convey adequately our condolences to the Palestinian people. The family of one of the three murdered Israeli teenagers also issued a statement condemning the latest killing. If the Arab youth was murdered because of nationalistic motives then this is a horrible and horrendous act, the statement from the family of Naftali Frenkel said.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 20:49:06 +0000

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