Israeli and US academics are re-writing World history over spans - TopicsExpress


Israeli and US academics are re-writing World history over spans of thousands of years to prove War and Imperialism was essential to build the Humane Civilisation we have today and this is the only way we barbaric humans know . Just as Economics aka Dismal Science tells us that Individual selfishness will create Common Good .They want to establish the fact that the NATO Consensus is the Only chance we have of Peace (Obviously Climate Change and future Energy and Resource(Water included) Wars and Sustainability does not feature !). And China is the wild animal to watch out for ! And Putin ? Maybe its just an small adjusting friction of Geopolitical tectonic plates and we are already in the Kingdom of God . PBUH. India doesnt even feature , we are too soft ! Anyways the Indian Subcontinent is known as be painde ka lota , Non-Aligned , ugte suraj ka pujari et al ! After ordering War: What Is It Good For? by Ian Morris which came out in April 2014 , I realise that there is an Israeli Major much before him who had made this thesis in 2006 . I now should look at Israel academia deeper , they are much smarter and quicker than these laid back Americans ! War used to plague humankind, killing significant proportions of early hunter-gatherers - 10 to 20 percent, claims Morris, a history professor at Stanford. This last century, by contrast, saw just 1 to 2 percent of the worlds people die as a result of war. How did this putative reduction of individual risk come about, by Morris lights? Fighting war requires the marshalling of power and resources in ways that helped create states. Those states imposed peace on the ever-larger territories they controlled. And the resulting peace was the primary condition for the growth of trade and prosperity. As with his fellow neo-Hobbesians - Steven Pinker, Richard Wrangham and Dale Peterson, Samuel Huntington and others - Morris argument hinges on the claim that a universal human nature has from the beginning of civilization provided the impetus for war. Like ants and chimps, human impulses to territoriality have led them to kill each other for payoffs in resources and safety. Azar Gat (born 1959 in Haifa, Israel) is a researcher and author on military history, military strategy and war and peace in general. He is currently Ezer Weizman Professor of National Security and in his second term (first from 1999–2003) as Chair of the Department of Political Science at Tel Aviv University. He is the founder and head of the Universitys Executive Masters Program in Diplomacy and Security.Gat is also a Major in the Israeli Army.Gats War in Human Civilization, published in 2006 by the Oxford University Press, was named one of the best books of the year by The Times Literary Supplement.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 04:27:18 +0000

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