Israeli crimes against Muslim and Christian Arabs and others are - TopicsExpress


Israeli crimes against Muslim and Christian Arabs and others are not justified in any way. Israel itself was founded by terrorists or supporters who benefitted from terrorism. Using criminal conduct from any parties to justify continuing crimes is not the way to handle this mess. In 1913, Jews, Muslims, and Christians in Jerusalem were at each other. About half the population at that time was Jewish and the rest divided equally between Muslims and Christians, though the land about the city was decidedly dominated by indigenous Arabs. At that time, David Ben-Guerin was an attorney in what then was Constantinople. The idea of religious states is highly questionable though our world is burdened with several of them. They seem to be a curse not a benefit. For example, I wonder what the Saudi government is doing to deter and punish its citizens who do crimes such as the stoning to death of young women in Syria. That awful government, our beloved ally has financed the proclamation of religious bigotry over wide areas. Jewish bigotry and intolerance, Christian and other anti—Semitism and anti-Judaism, Muslim hegemony, and such are all deplorable, out-of-date, and destabilizing. Let us not throw propaganda at each other. The reasonable protest of American Christians such at those in the Disciples of Christ, the Presbyterian Church USA, and the United Church of Christ against polities of the Israeli government deserve support not indignation. Mindless devotion to the Israeli state is not tolerance. Hamas is more a symptom of frustration, an incrassate like sickness of the body, or a form of bloody indignation at policy and strategy derived from valid reaction to European anti-Semitism (much of it from Vienna) but also from religious myth, fantasy, and plain silliness, than the core of the current outrages by the current Israeli government. The current leaders of Israel are war criminals, nothing more and nothing less.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 00:31:30 +0000

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