Israeli forces effectively committed an act of war on a sovereign - TopicsExpress


Israeli forces effectively committed an act of war on a sovereign state - yet again - after a “teenage Israeli boy” was killed by a rocket allegedly fired from Syrian army positions. The young victim was named as Muhammad Karaka, aged 12, originally from Galilee, according to the Israeli publication Debkafile. ...a flag of convenience of a dead Muslim boy whose family lives under Israeli occupation (cynically described as an ‘Israeli teenager’) allows the Israeli military to attack a sovereign country for the aim of furthering a Western-backed covert war of aggression that involves the deployment of al-Qaeda-linked terror networks. In case we need reminding, the al-Qaeda-linked “Islamic extremists” are supposed to be what the whole Western so-called War on Terror of invading foreign countries, like Iraq in 2003 and Afghanistan ongoing, is all about. That brings us to the current ISIS insurgency in Iraq. From nowhere, it seems, this group is threatening to overthrow an entire country in a matter of days, which has prompted the US to interpolate itself again in a territory that it destroyed under a nine-year criminal war of occupation. US Secretary of State John Kerry was in Baghdad this week vowing “sustained, intense support” to the Iraqi government to defeat ISIS. Some 300 American military advisors are to be dispatched to Iraq, and there are plans for US assassination drones and air strikes to be deployed. Yet, recent reports confirm what several others have already established: that Washington and its NATO allies, along with Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Israel, have been training, funding and directing the ISIS mercenaries from secret bases in Jordan and Turkey over the past three years. American-sponsored ISIS is threatening Iraq (after recently being thwarted in the regime-change operation in neighboring Syria) and now America is supposedly falling over itself to “help” Iraq fight this same group. Again, this is a ludicrous flag of convenience to hide the ulterior objective of Washington returning to meddle in Iraq and the region, which the Americans have already destroyed many times over with their criminal imperialistic predations. This same predatory imperialism is at work in Ukraine, where the US and its NATO allies have been stoking a civil war in order to destabilize Russia. The Western-installed fascist regime in Kiev is murdering civilians in the south and east of the country - despite a nominal “ceasefire” being declared this week. This regime is getting away with mass murder because of Washington’s sponsorship and yet Washington is blaming Moscow for “inciting the violence.” If this violence that Washington is fuelling does not stop, then the Americans and their servile European allies will slap more economic sanctions on Russia. How’s that for brazen self-fulfilling logic? From Palestine to Syria, Nigeria to Iraq and to Ukraine, a veritable armada of false flags are at full mast. The Western mainstream media, of course, “report” each case separately and at superficial face value, according to the desired pretext and purpose of their governments. But taken together and properly understood, there can be no doubt that the flags represent one banner: Western state terrorism.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 14:22:52 +0000

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