Israels Self-Delusion Israels media--at least it more - TopicsExpress


Israels Self-Delusion Israels media--at least it more optimistic base--is peering into this New Year through its journalistic crystal ball. It is, however, a crystal ball full of opaqueness as thick as those old crystal balls that, when turned upside down and shaken, produced a snowy blizzard within the otherwise clear liquid. These well-meaning media pundits see the present petroleum downturn for their Arab enemies as a harbinger of things to come. The downturn of the fortunes of the Islamist governments surrounding the tiny Jewish state portends great things for their nation, they believe and forecast. Chief among the upturn in Israels fortunes is the growing respect and welcome into the community of nations--according to our optimistic, journalist friends. I wish I could share their bright optimism for this coming year and beyond for Israel. I cannot. The optimism of which I write springs from the opinion piece, an excerpt of which follows: Op-ed: As the Gulf States are left with no money to spend and are experiencing internal shocks, the era of destructive Arab power is coming to an end; the Israeli mind and innovation era, on the other hand, is just beginning... The Arab oil era is over, and so is the destructive power of the Persian Gulfs oil dictatorships. These dictatorships have disgracefully controlled the failing Europe: Buying politicians, bribing companies, taking over the economy and gaining political power which was also used against Israel. It will take a few months, but both the Europeans and the Americans will realize that the era of the destructive Arab power is over, because the Gulf States will have no money to spend. On the contrary, they will be rocked from the inside by social, ethnic and terroristic shocks, as they will have no money left to continue satisfying terror. (The Arab Oil Era Is Over, Israel Opinion, Ynetnews 1/5/15) The pundits base their rosy outlook on the fact that market pressures have greatly reduced the dollars per barrel for petroleum. The belief is that the United States and Canada, in particular, are in the process of replacing the tremendous Saudi and other oil suppliers as the biggest producers of the worlds petroleum. They offer as proof that this replacement is already underway, the fact that America, Europe, and other nations now ignore Arab hatred of Israel in their call to sanction Israel in the UN. The worlds nations no longer feel threatened by Arab extortion --held hostage to the threat to take drastic oil-supply action if the Arab countries and their oil lobby arent obeyed. This punditry holds forth that many nations who previously wouldnt do business with Israel because of the above-stated extortion now are eager to take advantage of the tremendous technologies and other goods and services Israel can provide. They list such nations as India, Japan, China and South Korea as close friends in this new trade era, as they infer the immediate future to become. Israels creativity fits well as a global trade model with these and other nations, according to the optimism these members of the pro-Israel media declare. As the excerpt above entails, much of their optimism revolves around the US and Canadas replacement of OPEC and other Arab interests as primary producers and suppliers. These pundits see continuing fracking-technologies development as keeping petroleum prices low, thus making the Arab intimidation/extortion threat no longer in effect. We can all wish this could be the course of 2015 and beyond. We would all like very much to see Israel accepted as the wonderfully and dynamically creative nation of people that it, in actuality, most certainly is in every respect. But, the optimism, although it looks to have validity for the moment to some extent, and maybe even for a number of months, is fraught with realities that will not allow the results these journalists desire and predict. The first roadblock is the anti-Semitism that is literally exploding worldwide. Others are an American presidential administration and State Department overtly on the side of Israels antagonists; terrorist Islamist states and organizations devoted to Israels destruction; and, most important of all, Bible prophecy that has reported the end from the beginning. The latter of these factors, of course, is not at fault for Israels end-times marginalization and hatred by all of earths nations (see Zechariah 12:1-2. God has seen fit to tell of these things. He doesnt cause them to come to pass. He is omniscient. His reporting is absolutely unfailing in its accuracy in every detail. Punditry can and most often does end in self-delusion, as we witness on a daily basis amongst the journalists of this world system. Make no mistake, however, God, the omniscient reporter of history from beginning to end, says Israel--His chosen nation--will be the Apex nation of the world, ultimately. --Terry
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 19:04:07 +0000

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