Israels UN Ambassador Ron Prosor, said this morning (Wednesday) - TopicsExpress


Israels UN Ambassador Ron Prosor, said this morning (Wednesday) interview with Army Radio that categorically forbidden to cooperate with the UN investigation committee in Gaza. He says, to establish a commission of inquiry headed by Abbas had to order it as a prime Daas organization organize religious tolerance UN week . Prosor went against the chairman of the committee which he says is biased toward Israel, and said that this person is leading the committee and the committee is absolutely clear that Israel intended to thwart. He added, when that Abbas was asked whether Hamas also investigate he replied that he had to consult with committee members . He really should consider if you need to check a terrorist organization? Maybe we will arrange him a member of the Information, the Bashar al-Assad . Israels ambassador to the United Nations did not spare criticism and added that if that Abbas says Israel receives more lenient treatment in the United Nations, it has a hearing problem. The Foreign Ministry said following the appointment of the committee that the appointment of the chairman of the committee, whose views and positions against Israel rods are known to all, proves beyond any doubt that Israel can not expect justice from the body of such a committee and a report has been written - and is now only determined who will sign it. Already with the adoption of the decision on the establishment of the Commission, the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs that the human Rights Council of the UN Rights Council recently become terrorists Wall Kangaroo court, the results of the investigations predictable. 47 Human Rights Council of the UN vote on July 23 on the formation of the Commission of Inquiry, despite the strong opposition of the United States and Israel. The decision was made at the end of a special discussion was seven hours of international bodies, representatives exchanged during which Israel and the PA on war crimes charges. On Monday, three weeks after that decision, the United Nations announced the composition of the Commission of Inquiry reach Gaza. According to the initial announcement, except that Abbas, the investigation team will also cousin Diane Senegal, former UN overseer for racism and post-conflict operations in Ivory Coast British lawyer and a Lebanese Amal Almodin, fiancee of Hollywood star George Clooney. A few hours after the announcement, it became clear that Almodin not participate in the investigation due to prior commitments. The committee is supposed to submit its findings to UN Human Rights Council in March.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 14:03:30 +0000

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