Israel— has the highest ratio of university degrees to the - TopicsExpress


Israel— has the highest ratio of university degrees to the population in the world and produces more scientific papers per capita than any other nation— Amidst the vast darkness of death & mayhem, unresolvable dysfunction, brutal bigotry, 1,400 years of unleashing of violent & vicious ethnic & religious persecution and subjugation of non-muslims, committing apartheid and genocide and ethnic cleansing against Christians & Jews, massacring entire populations, and non-muslim cultural obliteration, which historically transcends and supercedes imperialistic intent by all other races and ethnicities and religions, continued antiquated barbaric cultural laws, unrelenting supremacist Jihad pursuit for a modern day return to a dark ages - to a fascist, militant imperialistic transformation to political islam/sharia, hell bent on global conquest of the civilized world, all this surrounding them... Israel truly is a miraculous beacon of light, a multi-ethnic inclusiveness of freedom & tolerance. Jews rightfully returned to Israel and transformed barrenness into a thriving green land of hope, where only brutal empires had existed, where equal rights & religious freedom were lost but in Isreal takes precedence against savage neighbors whove only wanted to see their total destruction, and never a pursuit of peace but only disingenuous ploys... .... its unfortunate and sad the far left, at some point, began embracing the worst of humanity, believing, confusing and equating the perpetrators of evil with a warped version of peace and justice, hyper-sympathizing with professional victimhood, choosing a preferential support for the pathological manipulators who want to destroy instead of create, perpetuate misery instead of resolution, and who, by their own exclamations, seek death over life, indoctrinate their children to hate Jews, to seek martyrdom, to annihilate infidels, who wish to silence free speech, freedom of religious choice, free will of women, and the pursuit of progressive infinite knowledge -all has been dangerously conflated with peace, justice & enlightenment by the outdated cliched thinking and erred equivalencies of the far left. As imperfect as our world is, at some point, you have to rethink your views, question your conclusions, your inherent sensibility to discern right from wrong, fact from fiction, lies and propaganda from truth, and the possibility that your rigid application of an intractable political moral superior arrogance to a broader ideology has absolutely nothing to do with reality and is just plain wrong and possibly motivated by nothing but an ugly bigotry, whether realized or not, racism and hate and a loathing, misguided agenda towards undermining something imperfect but that which you, yourself, have benefited more greatly than that with which you seek to replace. This may be considered bold of me to say, but I say it having allowed myself, in the past, to be a promulgator of ignorant, harmful lies, and against my own better sensibilities and instincts allowed myself to be brainwashed and clueless to the facts that i never bothered to research, (although, it only took me less than a few years to discover the truth for myself and revert)- that the world owes Israel an apology and every award for survival and humanity bestowed upon them. I realize theyll never get this from supremacist racists, nazis, conspiracists and those who professionally stereotype Jews to justify their inferiority/supremacist complexes. Israel should not be seeking the approval of the world -thats totally absurd- if anything the world should be striving to live up to their standards and seeking their approval.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 17:36:52 +0000

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