Isskar and Commander Zarvad were the last two Ice Warriors on - TopicsExpress


Isskar and Commander Zarvad were the last two Ice Warriors on Scarn. They had made their way to the spaceport, to use their ship and fly away, but now Isskar was after revenge. These rebels had shed Martian blood, there would be consequences! Isskar and Azaxier were leading survivors ever closer to the spaceports, shooting any and all Functionaries, regardless of species. Among the survivors was a small, unassuming Girl named Michelle, others were Third Zone officials, survivors of the assault on the Levithian Embassy, decent targets for the rebels, but by now there were few rebels left. Magor had disappeared and the violence was all but over. Nuvara were scouring the planet for Kieran and Sheya Nuru and others like the Graff Vynda K. Azaxier led the way, Isskar behind followed by Michelle and the others. How much farther must we go? one of the other Survivors queried only to have Isskar turn to him. SILENCE! he hissed with brutal precission. Isskar had lost enough of his friends and allies and would not allow a cowering fool cause any further deaths. Sorry! my apolo.. The fool started to say until Isskar butted in. DESTROY HIM! He hissed and Azaxier turned and fired without question. The sonic disruptor killed the Fool, with the usual visual distortion and agonised cry. Any further avoidable noise shall result in the same! Azaxier informed them for his Ice Lord. Not longer after the execution they moved into a position giving them a panoramic view of the space port. Many of the ships were hopelessly damaged, including Isskars Royal Cruiser. The Rebels of Scarn shall suffer for this outrage! Azaxier growled, once again speaking for Isskar, but this time Isskar had thought no such thing. I am of the Erythreaum Cast! I do not believe in slavery! he hissed at his Warrior. Magor shall be crushed for initiating this revolution during our visit! as will any I discover whose actions exacerbated this process! but I shall see to it personally that the people of Scarn are heard! Isskar had seen and heard enough to get as accurate and neutral picture as he could, regarding the cause of the rebellion and the treatment of Scarnish Slaves was almost medieval. We shall capture any vessel that remains and return to my Command! inform the Graff Vynda K that he shall be hearing from me in due course. Isskar had not realised that this revolution, this opposition of values held by the Martians and the Levithians was just another part of the fixed point in time that directed events since late November fifty years ago. This would lead to war. . .
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 11:50:24 +0000

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