Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa (Pomaia, Italy), the first FPMT center - TopicsExpress


Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa (Pomaia, Italy), the first FPMT center to have offered a full-time residential Masters Program of Buddhist studies, is getting ready to begin their third Masters Program, beginning in March 2015. See the announcement below for details. MASTERS PROGRAM IN BUDDHIST STUDIES OF SUTRA AND TANTRA -ISTITUTO LAMA TZONG KHAPA March 2015 – June 2021 A RARE AND PRECIOUS OPPORTUNITY TO: • immerse yourself in an intensive, six-year program of study and practice in the Gelug tradition of Tibetan Buddhism • engage in comprehensive study of the great Buddhist treatises and their commentaries of the Nalanda tradition with qualified Tibetan and Western teachers • integrate study and meditative practice through regular retreats • experience a combined approach to Dharma emphasizing study, practice, and service • learn to read texts in Tibetan • receive teachings, empowerments, and commentaries from eminent visiting lamas • engage with prominent Buddhist scholars and academics TEACHERS Geshe Jampa Gelek Geshe Jampa Gelek received the Geshe Lharam degree in 1999 from Sera Je Monastery, graduating first in his class and subsequently completing his studies of tantra. Resident teacher at Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa since March 2012, Geshe Gelek is the primary teacher of the Masters Program in addition to teaching weekend courses and retreats. Geshe Tenzin Tenphel Geshe Tenzin Tenphel became a monk when he was nine years old and, after completing twenty-one years of monastic education, graduated from Sera Je Monastery with honors with a Lharam Geshe degree. Since 1998 he has been a resident teacher at Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa, where he has taught advanced Buddhist subjects as well as numerous shorter Dharma courses, in addition to participating in interreligious and academic conferences. RESIDENTIAL PROGRAM The heart of the Masters Program is the full-time residential study program, which offers lay and ordained students the opportunity to receive extensive teachings from qualified resident teachers, personal support from the staff, and invaluable interaction with other students—all uniquely fashioned to assist and encourage understanding and practice of the Dharma. Teachings are translated from Tibetan into English, and all texts and supplementary study material are available in English. Separate review classes and discussion groups are conducted in English and Italian. CURRICULUM Students will study five principal subjects, receiving teachings on and oral transmissions of the main texts and their principal commentaries from fully qualified geshes, as well as teachings on supplementary texts when time permits. • Ornament for Clear Realization (Abhisamayalamkara) • Supplement to the Middle Way (Madhyamakavatara) • Treasury of Manifest Knowledge (Abhidharmakosha) and Commentary on Valid Cognition (Pramanavarttika) • Grounds and Paths of Secret Mantra • The Two Stages of Guhyasamaja Tantra MASTERS PROGRAM ONLINE The Masters Program Online offers the opportunity to study the MP to those unable to join the residential program. The online program makes use of the latest online educational tools, in an e-learning environment. The online program runs parallel to the residential program and is offered in both English and Italian. Online students are supported in their studies by a qualified teaching assistant. Applications for the Masters Program will be accepted from 10 August 2014 For further information, please see our website:
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 08:22:59 +0000

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