It. (OneDirection Horror Fan Fic) Authors note: I will try to - TopicsExpress


It. (OneDirection Horror Fan Fic) Authors note: I will try to upload as much as I can. And unlike other ones I saw only upload with a amount of likes and comments. I dont I will try my hardest to upload new or edit new chapters each and ever day :) love you all who will enjoy this story xoxo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I ran as fast as I could, I ran and I ran. Maybe I beat the Olympics record? No Im being silly. My heart pounded from fright but I still ran, my feet ached but I still ran. I was dying for thirst but I still ran. I need to get away from it. Its demolished my life. I stole food and water, I live on the posh streets of London, under it I mean. A sewer. I still ran it was after me, it was getting closer, and closer and everything I felt, I had the need to topple over. But I ran at god speed and with that record of my life I bumped into someone. It was worlds famous boy bands Irish guy. Niall. And I ran into him. I fell flat on the floor, on my knees, praying for him to forgive me. Niall: are you alright? I still pleaded with tears in my eyes. I asked him to forgive me. Niall: its okay, I forgive you. Come on stand up. Where do you live, shall I take you to your parents? Me: my-my parents. Dont live with me. Niall: what do you mean? Are you from an orphanage? Me: uhh yes.? Niall: you dont sound so sure there Hun. Me: I-I live in my den. Niall: den? Sounds fun, where is it? Me: u-u-under you. I couldnt believe I was telling him that. He would tell the media and actually put me in the orphanage, I bet you £100 that it would be furious. Niall: in the sewers?! Oh god, come here. He opened his hands forming a bear hug, should I take the hug? I looked behind me for it. It was gone. I got confused, it never leaves me. Its there wherever I am? Did it finally leave.? I better hope so. Me: I-I I was getting teary, he felt so sorry for me. I could feel his saddens overwhelming me. I felt a sudden urge to cry and hug him and never let go. Think of stories he will be my daddy and be with me forever and love me always. It didnt turn out as I quite planned it. Niall: come here, I wont hurt you, I would never hurt a child! I promise. He sounded so nice, I burst into silent tears thinking off all I have went though and felt guilty for stealing food. Me: I-I dont deserve this hug. I s-stole food. Niall: well you had to live right? Come on, give me a hug and ill pay for it. What did you steal and where from? Me: bread, water, yogurt and I also got some blankets. It wa-was the Tescos Extra tiny supermarket. I felt so bad now, I started silently crying. I stood of my knees about to run off, but I revealed all the things I stole, placed them on the floor, and as I was about to run off, a wrist grabbed my hand and pulled me to its chest. It felt so warm, so cuddly, so lovely, so like home. I was crying and I bet Nialls shirt is soaking wet. But then he is a millionaire, he will get another top. That reminded me of my ragged dress. I really didnt deserve this hug. Just like all the girls say to me when they see this. No one deserves a brat like me. Especially not around with it. Niall: shh, dont cry princess, Nialls here. I hugged him tighter trying to stop my sobs. Niall: listen. You want a nice cosy home with a happy family right? I slowly nodded unsure of what he was planning. Niall: well, me and the rest of the boys can legally adopt you. We can have a brilliant time together! New home! New stories and new amazing memories, what do you think? Was this one of my dreams? A family? A home? A happy life? Me: yes, I want all that! I sounded like a greedy pig. Me: I-if thats o-o-okay with y-you? Niall: of course it is! Come on, first lets pay so no one will be cross with you. I grabbed his hand happily, this could be my new life. It will change for once! For the good! I held a tight grip on his arm so he wouldnt wander off and leave me its it. But I thought too soon. There it was. Staring at me with its black eyes. I almost felt as if Niall saw it. Niall: did you see that? Me: you sa- I mean what? Niall: you know what I mean, you were staring at it! Come on princess, tell me! Me: its nothing, its just there sometimes, many people see it. Shall we go, I can hear people shouting there now! Niall: no no no. You will apologise, ill pay for them and you can keep them- I had a mini heart attack when he said I will keep them. Does that mean I will get to keep them but he will go off and leave me with it? No Niall I need your help! Niall: and then you get to meet the guys. My head and my imaginations. He sounded cheerful, but he was holding me tight. As of to never let me go. When we reached the shop I was about to faint, when I saw the shop keeper charging at me. Strangely he stopped when he looked at Niall. Oh wait, Niall is in the boy band. Maybe this will be harder than I expected.. Or will it? Niall: she wants to say something. Right princess? I nod slowly, I step forward, my heart was trying to escape, I took another step and I was soon in front of him. I looked at the large man with big fists that could easily beat me up. I sheepishly spoke up. Me: Im very sorry f-for the things I s-stole. I looked at him about to burst to tears and was going to give it back, when suddenly Nialls cheerful Irish accent spoke up. Niall: i will buy them of course. Here you go. He handed him a fiver. Wow I never was next to someone who held my hand and had a fiver. Weird as that sounds, never! The man took it, giving me a frightening glare and then thanked Niall, and did he just ask for his autograph? That gave me a shock. I thought it was teenage boys and girls that liked the band. I guess not. Niall soon turned to me with a big smile on his face, but it dropped when he heard screams. I turned round and at first it was people going to get me for being nasty for stealing. But they screamed Nialls name. Surprised, he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me up on his back and he ran to a Resturant. I think it was called Nandos? I wasnt sure. But as he set me down, I wobbled because Im always on my feet and it felt strange. He gripped my arm to keep me balance and he walked me to a table. It looked so posh. I dont deserve to sit on this table, I dont even deserve to be in the resturant. Then I saw it. It gave me a glare,a scary one, pushing me slightly to go and sit down. I didnt. It couldnt strike me in public could it. I just stared at it until someone suddenly lifted me. I didnt scream, i felt the same scent so it must be Niall. I look and it was. Niall: so will you tell me before we tell the guys when they get in? He was talking about it. I knew he could see it, I just couldnt speak to him about it, it was scary,and it could hurt me. I shaked my head in response and as I was about to say something, a sudden burst through the door made me flinch from the bang. It was probably Louis from the band. I was sure it it was Louis? Louis: hey Niall, hey- hey whos this? I stared in fright, he might hate me, I would go back to the sewers. I dont want to! I was happy with Niall protecting me, it felt as if it couldnt hurt me whilst I was with him. Niall: a girl I found, ill explain later but her name is- hey I never got your name princess? What was my name? Oh wait I remember. Me: I uh Im Laura. I sounded horrible, my raspy voice sounded dreadful, now he must hate me. Shockingly he smiled at me. Louis: well hello there Laura, Im Louis. Oh and over the coming is Zayn, Liam and Harry. Are you going to be with us for lunch? I didnt know. Of course not silly, I dont have money, I could never pay for that, Id never leave the restuarnt or Id get caught by the police. I started to silently panic having a fight in my head until I realised I was talking out loud. Again. Oh no. They heard. Louis gave me a gentle smile and I flinched when someone held my hand but it was Niall. Niall: I thought we could uhh adopt her? I mean she uh she has no family and she even lives in the sewers! I looked down, I felt guilt flowing threw me. I hated when people say that. They always gasp and call me names and I dont want to face them. As if magically Louis heard my thoughts, he gently put his hands on my face so I would look at him. Louis: I wont call you anything, as I can see what youre thinking. We will have to talk to Simon about it, but in the mean time you can stay with us. I smiled with a huge grin on my face but I couldnt smile, maybe they would kick me out sooner or later. So I gave a small smile and whispered Thank you. Then I felt it to have plans. Oh no. It was going to make me use them and leave them when I have everything. I am not doing that! I cant hurt them after all Niall helped me! But then I realised I cant order food, because I have no money. So I took out my small loaf of bread and started to nibble it. Just so I can save it for later. I look up as I see 3 new faces staring at me. Niall: this is Laura, our new friend I met. I stared forcing a small smile on my face, I struggled with making a smile! The guy with shaved hair I think Liam was his name. Liam: hello there pretty. Im Liam. But sensing what Niall uh told us whilst you were nibbling away, you can call me Daddy Directioner since Im more protective of the band. I smiled at the word daddy. Maybe he will be my dad, and all of the, will be my brothers! That would be amazing! But I cant jinx it. And plus I dont deserve them. So I will act nice until the end of lunch and go. Liam and Louis sat next to me while Niall, Harry and Zayn sat opposite us. A person with a notebook came over to us. A waiter? No its a waitress, because its a girl. Waitress: hello One Direction. What can I get you today? Niall spoke up first, gosh he seemed more hungry than me. I just nibbled away on my precious bread. Niall: ill have the usual please! Oh and a salad too please! I giggled to myself. Was he then the hungry one out of the band? The rest then ordered and everyone then stared at me. Why? Niall: what are you getting princess? I saw the waitress suddenly give me a deathly glare when he said princess to me. I was scared of her. Me: I dont h-have money. But I-I have my b-bread? They just stared at me, I wanted to run out. I hated the feeling, the horrible feeling when you tell something and they gasp and then gossip and start to name call you. It was horrible. I wanted to cry. Liam: she will have the kids special. Liams voice startled me as I looked at him. The waitress went away muttering something under her breath. I struggled to get the words out. Me: how will I p-pay you back? I asked waiting for his dreadful response. Im fact I didnt want to know! I felt sleepy but my stomachs grumbled so I continued to nibble on my bread, it was nearly finished, oh no. Liam: dont be silly. It costs like £5.50 altogether of your kids meal. Thats barely nothing. Me: thats a lot! I cant find the money too pay back! I gained a bit of confidence, maybe because I was panicking again. But I said it still in my raspy voice, I could never shout at my condition. Zayn: what he meant is that you dont have too, and he will pay for you! I looked at him in shock. He must of seen the shock on my face. Someone giving me food? For free now? What is this, am I dead and in heaven or what? Zayn: dont worry, were not mad! I felt relived straight away. When the waitress came with my food first I stared at the food. wondering what I should do. Harry: go on eat girly. Me: I-I-I dont know how to use a f-fork. I looked down ashamed. I heard them whisper something until I felt someone grab my arm towards the fork. Liam: here ill teach you. Its so simple, easy as pie! I giggled, he seemed to nice and kind and caring, so thats why they called him Daddy Directioner. Once I had my arm holding the fork, he held my hand and showed me how to position it and eat. As I got the taste in my mouth I ate it in a matter of seconds. Just even before the rest had theirs! I felt bad. It was rude of me. Harry: wow, you eat fast for a small girl. Hey how old are you? Hmmm? Good question.. I knew I was 3 when I was left alone and then I remembered 10 years in the sewers because 10 times a year I saw snow. So I must be 13. Me: Im 13. They all gasped. Was I small? Too small for my age? I felt ashamed once again. Harry: really 13? Thats a big age! I suddenly felt happy and pleased. I whispered a small thank you in return. When they had their food, I finished my bread and went on to my yogurt. Mmmm, it was strawberry so mouthwatering. I felt happy at the taste in my mouth. Once they all finished. I started to panic again. Where am I going? Back to the sewers? Zayn: okay so youre going with us shopping now yeah? Shopping? How much money is that going to cost? I need to get a job and start to earn a living and pay them back! I heard a Laugh. It was Louis, I must of been talking out loud again. Louis: dont worry kid, you dont. Youll be with us. A new home and family? Eh fun huh? I nodded, I always wanted that. And maybe I was going to get it after all! +5 likes for next chapter :) -DancingDirectioner- xoxo
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 12:55:53 +0000

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