It Works FAQs 1. Why does it cost money to sign up? Because its - TopicsExpress


It Works FAQs 1. Why does it cost money to sign up? Because its a business, not a job. Businesses cost money. 2. Are you trying to make money off me? No, Im trying to make money WITH you. 3. Is it a scam? No, it is a legitimate business that has been around since 2001. 4. Is it one of those pyramid schemes? You mean where all the people at the top make all the money, take the long vacations, fly on private jets, and get all the stock options while the people on the bottom work the most for the least amount of money and get 2 weeks of vacation a year? No, that would be Corporate America. 5. How long before I get results? It depends on what your goal is! Let me help you find the right products and make a 90 day plan! 6. Ive tried it before, but I failed. Its only failing if you quit. I have not failed. Ive just found 10,000 ways that wont work. Thomas Edison 7. My Uncle Bob said this wont work. Your Uncle Bob is also broke. And you will prove him wrong. 8. How much money can I make and how fast? Depends on how hard you are willing to work. This company is a vehicle to financial freedom but you have to work hard want it! 9. How do I sign up? Message me & Ill get you started
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 00:09:40 +0000

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