...It amazes me how these SOOTHE SAYERS and SPIN DOCTORS of warm - TopicsExpress


...It amazes me how these SOOTHE SAYERS and SPIN DOCTORS of warm and fuzzy(...and sometimes comical...) PULPIT NARCOTICS will DISECT the Word and pull out bits and pieces of the PRETENSE to a passage and TOTALLY AVOID the PORTENT !!!! One such passage in John 15 is verses 1-10 in which the first 8 verses are PRETENSE and verses 9 and 10 are the PORTENT !!! Then if you look into the next 4 verses you find it beginning with an exhortation of PORTENT from Jesus Himself as to [...WHY...] He ADMONISHED His own disciples in verses 1-8 to OBEDIENCE in verses 9 and 10 so that they could [...REMAIN IN ...] His LOVE !!!! Quite CLEARLY it is because WITHOUT the OBEDIENCE that [...KEEPS US IN His LOVE...], His JOY absolutely [...WILL NOT...] be birthed inside our heart(...where He lives...) UNLESS we [...BRING Him JOY...] through [...LOVING OBEDIENCE of His COMMANDS...] !!!! Here are the first 14 verses so you can read them MEDITATIVELY and RIGHTLY DIVIDE them for yourself !!!! ...Oh, and by the Way(...Jesus...); the word [... IF ...] is NOT and NEVER WILL BE classified or correctly interpreted as....[... UN -CONDITIONAL...] !!!! ...Thats just English 101 people !!!! .......John 15:1-14......New Living Translation (NLT) ... Jesus, the True Vine ... 15 “I AM the true grapevine, and My Father is the gardener. 2 He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and He prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more. 3 You have already been [...PRUNED and PURIFIED...] by the message I have given you(..DIRECT TRUTH with NO SPIN..). 4 [...REMAIN IN Me...], and I will [...REMAIN IN YOU...] you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless [...YOU REMAIN IN Me...] !!!! 5 “Yes, I AM the vine; you are the branches. Those who [...REMAIN IN Me...], and I in them, will produce much fruit. For [...APART FROM Me...](...eluding to POSSIBLE SEPARATION...) you can [...DO NOTHING...]. 6 Anyone who does [... NOT REMAIN IN Me...] is thrown away like a useless branch and withers. Such branches are gathered into a pile to BE BURNED !!!! 7 But [... IF ...](...theres the CONDITION AGAIN ...) you [...REMAIN IN Me...] and(...another CONDITION...) [...My WORDS REMAIN IN YOU...](...His WORDS are SPIRIT and they are LIFE...), you may ask for [...ANYTHING YOU WANT...], and [...IT WILL BE GRANTED...] !!!! 8 When you [...PRODUCE MUCH FRUIT...](..which is DISCIPLINED DISCIPLES...), you are My [...TRUE DISCIPLES...] !!!! This brings great glory to My Father. 9 “I have LOVED YOU even as the Father has LOVED Me. [...REMAIN IN My LOVE...] !!!! 10 When you [... OBEY My COMMANDMENTS...], you [...REMAIN IN My LOVE...], just as I [... OBEY My Father’s COMMANDMENTS...] and [...REMAIN IN His LOVE...] !!!! 11 I have [...TOLD YOU THESE THINGS...](...WHY ???...) so that you [..WILL BE FILLED with My JOY...](...So His JOY is ALSO contingent upon OBEYING...). Yes, [...YOUR JOY will OVERFLOW...] !!!! 12 This is My COMMANDMENT(...singular, but above He exhorts PLURAL...): ...Love EACH OTHER in the same way I have loved you(... IN SPIRIT and IN TRUTH...). 13 There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. 14 You are my friends [... IF ...] you [... DO WHAT I COMMAND...] !!!! ...So here is the bottom line beloved. Jesus exhorts His DISCIPLES in the first 10 verse to REMAIN IN a total of [...TEN(10) TIMES...] !!!! In the Hebrew culture if someone REPEATS something 2 times back to back; it is NOT just TWICE as important, but it is EXPONENTIALLY IMPORTANT !!!! So just HOW IMPORTANT is it when Jesus Himself REPEATS REMAIN IN a total of [....TEN(10) TIMES...](...almost seems EXCESSIVE COMPULSIVE...) in just 10 verses ??? ...Time for YOU to make an INTELLIGENT and INFORMED DECISION since you have been delivered the.......[... FULL COUNSEL ...] of Yah God....amen. ...Love everlasting, Brother Gerald(Boo) ....\o/....
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 02:05:11 +0000

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