It amazes me the number of people who had these HIGH EXPECTATIONS - TopicsExpress


It amazes me the number of people who had these HIGH EXPECTATIONS of President Obama, expectations that they clearly didnt have for any other president. President Obama is NOT the President of the United States of Black People. President Obama is NOT the President of the United States of Individuals Personal Issues and Interests. President Obama IS the President of the United States of America. THERE ARE POWERS OF CONGRESS THAT EVEN THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES CANNOT CIRCUMVENT OR VETO and we all know the lack of respect, first as a BLACK MAN and second as a BLACK PRESIDENT, that President Obama had to endure his entire presidential career. If he said the sky was blue, that disrespect manifested itself in the argument that the sky was green. EVERY OPPORTUNITY that Congress had to throw a monkey wrench into the plans and vision of our President, THEY DID IT! THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES does not run the country alone and he certainly does NOT HAVE 100% AUTONOMY over the decisions that need to be made on a daily bases and even in those instances where the PRESIDENT did have the final say, then you have to know that you can only work with what you are given. President Obama isnt a super heroe, he isnt JESUS, he isnt a magician, he isnt a warlock, he does NOT have the power to leap tall buildings in a single bound. He inherited a mess and did the best that he could under the circumstances. Anyone with beef about how PRESIDENT OBAMA is running this country, I say this, if you can adequately address resolutions to ALL OF THE ISSUES that the POTUS has had to address during his terms in office, including, but, definitely not limited to the following, THEN RUN FOR PRESIDENT IN THE NEXT ELECTION, since you have all the answers. GET YOUR BEHINDS OFF OF FACEBOOK AND START PREPARING FOR YOUR PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN! 1. Civil Rights 2. Climate Change 3. Creating Jobs 4. Defense 5. Disabilities 6. Economy 7. Education 8. End of Iraq War 9. Energy & Environment 10. Equal Pay 11. Ethics 12. Foreign Policy 13. Health Care 14. Health Care 15. Homeland Security 16. Immigration 17. It Gets Better 18. Jobs 19. Joining Forces 20. PreK-12 Education 21. Refinancing 22. Reform and Fiscal Responsibility 23. Rural 24. Seniors & Social Security 25. Service 26. Small Business 27. Snapshots 28. Strengthening the Middle Class 29. Support for Business 30. Tax Receipt 31. Taxes 32. Technology 33. The Buffett Rule 34. Urban and Economic Mobility 35. Veterans and Military Families 36. Violence Prevention 37. Women Have I agreed 100% with all of President Obamas decisions? NO I HAVE NOT, but, I also know that I DIDNT HAVE A CLUE of all the constraints in which such decisions were made and I know that, with my intelligent self, I could not step in and do a better job than what this MAN OF GOD, FIRST AFRICAN AMERICAN PRESIDENT OF THE HARVARD LAW REVIEW, HARVARD LAW SCHOOL GRADUATE, FORMER CONSTITUTIONAL LAW PROFESSOR OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, FORMER ILLINOIS STATE SENATOR AND UNITED STATES SENATOR...etc. and the list goes on, had to make under the conditions and opposition that he encountered in trying to make decisions. I AM PROUD OF THIS MAN AND ALL OF HIS ACCOMPLISHMENTS! I KNOW THAT there were some things that hed wanted to do that he was blocked from doing, but, overall HE MADE A DIFFERENCE and if I knew then what I know now, I not only WOULD VOTE FOR HIM AGAIN, I WOULD CAMPAIGN JUST THAT MUCH HARDER! PRESIDENT BARACK H. OBAMA 44th President of the United States MY PRESIDENT! President Barack Obama First Lady, Michelle Obama The White House ~~~
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 18:46:45 +0000

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