It amazes me to hear Gospel singers convert secular songs into - TopicsExpress


It amazes me to hear Gospel singers convert secular songs into gospel thinking it will have a different impact or meaning because the words are change...REALLY? Is that really true?? ...HEC NAW thats what Satan wants us to believe,Hmph..Deception at its BEST......Regardless of the words being changed to reverence God(well at least thats what some have been deceived to believe) The music was WRITTEN for a secular audience/tendency....Ok lets take a looooooooong and haaaaaard look at this.....Im going to show you how EASILY Satan can deceive people..The TRUTH is right in our face if we just pay close attention... Here it is,...........God said there is life and death in the power of the tongue...The tongue meaning YOUR words.(Follow me) The Bible itself is the LIVING word,In the beginning the WORD was with God and He is the AUTHOR and the finisher of his word therefore,His spirit dwells into ANYONE who reads it, believe it, and receive it. Those who receive/believe his word receives his spirit his LIFE because HE lives. (I hope Im not confusing anyone but Keep following me) Ok we understand that Gods word is Living because He lives..(REMEMBER) He is the AUTHOR.....Now with this Hip Hop Gospel, these so called Gospel artists who have converted worldly or secular songs into to Christian music say its to inspire the young..... .......(crickets)...........(blank stare).........(side eye). BULL FREAKIN CRAP!! ITS ABOUT SALES and THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR,(sidebar) with contracts being signed and financial advances distributed..They have to generate a certain amount sales to payback/ payoff staff and other fees,(such air time, promotions, events etc) That means one may have to compromise their faith in doing so and many of them have!! Heres the proof...God is the AUTHOR of his word,His spirit dwells within his word therefore it brings life, You are the AUTHOR of your FB status and what you say and the spirit behind your words such as happy,joyful,funny,anger,bitter and etc will advise your followers. Example: ,If you post an angry status for those who read it will feel and know you are angry WHY because you wrote in anger, an angry spirit therefore your readers received or feel your anger which was your intent when you wrote it... just as God spoke life into his word so that we shall receive life........ AGAIN he is the AUTHOR. (yall getting it ) Now,to convert secular into Gospel....NOT POSSIBLE,Why because the AUTHOR of those songs as well as the orchestrated sound(music) wrote in reference to please themselves and the world NOT God. Therefore,the spirit behind the music still thrives...Changing the words to or in reference to God or gospel does not exemplify or exclude who the original author is or was nor does it diminished the spirit in which it was written... So with these doings It sends out a conflicting message of compromise and confusion...and we ALL know who is the author of CERTAINLY isnt God and with the two conjoined secular to gospel worshipping two worlds when God said it is NOT possible to reverence him and another......Sounds like DECEPTION to me...Make your own judgment....I CALL IT AS I SEE IT.You dont have to agree with me,Im just saying..I know I helped somebody by posting this.AMEN! K.Lajoyce!
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 04:05:43 +0000

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