It appears that we are on the verge of a great & terrible war. A - TopicsExpress


It appears that we are on the verge of a great & terrible war. A war that has - in many respects, beeen orchestrated by the UK & USA, with others playing a pivotal part. There was NO need for conflict within Syria. Paid agitators - Saudi financed, initiated the internal conflict, thus creating a sectarian division - mainly between Sunni & Shia adherents. Unfortunately - the Christians of that country are caught in the middle, their ancient presence in Syria - as in the Middle East in general, is now in serious jeopardy. Wherever the Hand of the USA strikes, Christianity Suffers - Japan (Hiroshima & Nagasaki), Egypt, Iraq - now Syria, next Jordan NO doubt. There can be NO doubt that the Unholy Trinity - as I have warned about before, the USA, the UK & Saudi Arabia, are between them - responsible for this dire set of circumstances, that the Syrian people themselves do NOT deserve. The Kingdom of Jordan, as per plan, is now caught up in this too. It will be the next Arab state to collapse. I would URGE the citizens of the USA & UK to do what they can, bring down those Govts that would be so wicked in severely disrupting the lives of millions of people in the Middle East and elsewhere. The Arch-Capitalist Govts of both the USA & UK are veritable Trojan Horses, they are instrumental in furthering a global Sunni Muslim agenda - financed by Saudi Arabia, the results of which are becoming more and more obvious as each day - each month passes within our own country, never mind others. Each and everyone of these Govts is engaged in Prostitution of the Worst kind, willing to spill the blood of many - Innocence always Pays the Price. I really dread to think what is going to happen next. God BLESS the People of Syria - All of US too folks!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 11:32:06 +0000

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