It appears the soap box is vacant right now so Im jumping on. As - TopicsExpress


It appears the soap box is vacant right now so Im jumping on. As with anything I post, read if you want, pass if you dont. That being said, here we go. ... Last week, July 4th, another loyal, charming, witty, handsome, smart and caring Marine was lost. Actually, I guess I should say, he found an end to being lost. He wandered through a world lost, unsure and uncomfortable with life. Why? Because he suffered from PTSD. Dont get me wrong, I know there are many who deal with this daily and find a way to keep going with no one the wiser to what theyre going through inside each day. I applaud those of you thay can do that. You are strong. However there are many, though they try, who can never again adjust after returning home. After seeing and living what to most of us is an unfathomable dream of what being in a third world country, wondering everyday what will happen and counting down the days until they see family and friends again. Some never actually return. Not mind, spirit and soul. Only in body. We have a government who sends these wonderful people to fight sometimes senseless wars, risk their lives daily, learn to live among strange cultures and completely change the people they are. Am I thankful for these people who risk their lives daily? You damn right I am! More than I could ever express to them. Do I think they are treated fairly? No I do not! Where is our almighty government when they return? Where is the help they need to readjust to a life they were taken from? Where is the support to get them back on their feet? Where is the mental and physical support they need to simply adapt in our world again? I cannot even comprehend the level of disgust, loneliness and solitude these people feel. And quite honestly Im ashamed of this country for not taking better care of our military both past and present. God bless you all for what you do, for what you sacrifice and for what you must deal with. I am but one person and I know my Thank You is a very small thing but I do hope you know how very much you mean to so many.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 14:47:37 +0000

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