It appears there are some cannot make the connection between the - TopicsExpress


It appears there are some cannot make the connection between the current exploitation of people of color globally and the slavery that took place in the New World. Allow me to elaborate. Here are the facts: Before the middle passage, Europe was like any other place in the world in term of wealth. However, after 3 centuries of slavery, Western Europe became 3 times richer than any other region in the world, and after 2 centuries of colonialism around the world, western Europe became 30 times wealthier than any other region of the world at the onset of the 20th century. Therefore; the Slave trade, colonialism and the looting of African resources and manpower has been the main sponsor of the western wealth creation system. The compounding result is that nowadays western Europeans and their descendants own close to 90% of the world wealth, while they make up less than 15% of world population. As Samuel Huntington put it: “The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion, but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact, non-Westerners never do.” And in what to me seems an obscene existence, most countries in the continent today literally have to bend over in convulsive attempts to satisfy their so-called Western partner’s conditionalities for development and other forms of assistance. Supposedly fair organisations such as the World Bank the UN and the IMF continue to serve as tools of exploitation, by race. In the midst of all this, cosmetic attempts have been made by the Western regimes to balance the inequalities between themselves and Africans, preferring instead to immorally maximize their benefits from the imbalance that arose from the slave trade and them portray themselves as humanitarians by providing financial aid, food and medical supplies whenever an urgent need arises. This finanical imbalance is also present and obvious in most of our societies today. We find that the people that consider themselves whites are still economically, politically and militarily superiorly endowed, and they use this advantage to impose their will upon, and continue to oppress and exploit people of color. The current levels of deprivation and oppression of people of color are direct consequences of a national history, as is the corresponding prosperity of the white population. These cannot be separated, neither group-to-group nor present-to-past. People of color must live every day with the consequences of a long history of white privilege, which neither they nor their ancestors did anything to deserve. For whites to claim immunity from this, from having to deal with the current manifestations of what is a common history, is in itself an assertion of white privilege and indicative of racism. Because the transformation of the status of the Africans who were sold to the west as indentured servants into chattel slavery, whereby they could never leave, and thier offspring were also considered property in the New World, happened gradually, and was underlined by distinctively racist principles. This developed into the inhumane supremacist system we know, resent and loathe today. The brutal, barbaric system that stripped the Africans of their humanity, their rights, dignity, culture, history, religion and indoctrinated the racist ideology - That the white man is innately superior, and that for the black man to develop or become ‘civilized’, he must emulate, or try to be like the white man. This led to the social arrangement of people according to a hierarchical system where the whiteness of the skin determined ones social status. The ramifications and consequences of this racial caste / class system sadly, still persist and echo in our societies and cultures to this very day. Indeed, scholars have traced the roots of racism, exploitataion, oppression and marginalization of black people globally today, to the slavery that took place in the New World.. Yes people I will pull out some serious fire in Houston. This is a actual price menu for Aborted Baby Fetus Body Parts that we will discuss this weekend!!! This weekend we will also discuss our Southern Initiative in terms of our first Southern Chapters and much much moor!!! Yes I will be printing a limited edition $60 the text book is a lil over 500 pages of pure FIRE!!! Resurrection is upon us!!! Houston Texas calling all areas!!!!! We will be launching our Souther Initiative this weekend at Kheperas Community Book Store and Art Gallery located at 4822 Martin Luther King Blvd Houston Texas 77021 Doors are opening at 2pm... We will take a never before this indepth look into the health of Baby Black America and provide solutions to stop this active GENOCIDE!!!
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 12:21:02 +0000

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