It beats my imagination why an Afrikan, who claims to support - TopicsExpress


It beats my imagination why an Afrikan, who claims to support Black liberation and empowerment, would be anti-Western but pro-Arab. How on Earth can a conscious and intelligent African frown at Western imperialism and domination in Africa, but support Arab imperialism in Africa? It doesnt make sense. Doesnt such African know Arabs were and still are responsible for the trafficking and enslavement of Africans in Mauritania and elsewhere? Doesnt such African know major Arab cities like Mecca, Baghdad, and Dubai were used as slave camps to house East Africans? Doesnt such African know Arabs started slave trade in Africa before Europeans joined in? Doesnt such African know that Arabs, just like Europeans, destroyed African civilizations and looted African wealth to build their economies? I wonder why such African would even support the self determination of Palestine Arabs. When most of Africa was under colonial rule, where were Arabs? What did they do for Africans? Did the Arabs help Haiti with arms and money to free itself from France? Did the Arabs help the Black people of South Africa fight apartheid rule? Did the Arabs help Africans in America fight the segregation era in America? Did they help Africans in America during the civil rights era? Have the Arabs officially apologized for their role in the enslavement of Africans and compensated Africans? The answer to all these questions is a capital NO. Since Arabs have never done anything good for Africa and Africans, then why would a sane African support the independence of Palestinian Arabs when Palestinians and the entire Arab world never supported the liberation of Africans? I wonder why a sane African would even follow Islam, waste his/her hard earned money on pilgrimage to Mecca (when such huge sum of money can be used to improve the lives of Africans who are hungry and homeless). Most Africans dont even know Mecca is not only a holy city of Islam, but is also a tourist place. Therefore, when they spend their money to go there to see the Kaaba (or whatever the hell they go to see over there), they are unknowingly investing their money into the tourism industry of Saudi Arabia, thus boosting the economy of the country. Africans spend money to develop foreign lands, while their own lands in shambles and messed up? Some African Muslims should sit their asses down, think, and ask themselves this important question: would Arabs, in the millions, flock into Africa interior and invest billions of dollars of oil money, to see a tourist attraction in Ile-Ife of Nigeria, or a tourist attraction in a place like Zimbabwe, or South Africa, or Senegal, or Ghana. The answer is that they will never do that because they are not foolish like African Muslims, and know how best to use their money. Africans Christians and African Muslims are the only foolish religionists on Earth that will go to foreign lands, such as Jerusalem and Mecca, to waste their money there, thereby enriching the governments of Israel and Saudi Arabia. This same money the Saudi government generates from Mecca pilgrimage is what they are using to promote Wahhabi Islam, as well as finance the militant and offensive takeover of African land from themselves. Just as there as white criminal settlers in Southern Africa, there are also Arab criminal settlers in Northern Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa too. Most Africans dont know the true history of Africa. They dont think at all. Nonsense. Bisi Bee
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 19:19:30 +0000

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