It breaks my heart to say we had to let my boy Bob go. The - TopicsExpress


It breaks my heart to say we had to let my boy Bob go. The treatments were not working, his last blood test on tuesday showed such a decline that they gave him 1 to 2 days before he would start suffering and we couldnt let that happen. We brought him home tuesday afternoon let him play in the snow and stayed up with him all night. Through all of his illness I think one of the hardest things even up till the end is he never lost his spirit even sick with a fever and no energy he would constantly want to play and wrestle with us, take a nap to get re energized and back at it again, but he had been through enough. He was a fighter he really tried and we tried everything medically we could to get him well as long as he didnt suffer. He was my best friend I loved him so much the house seems so empty now. We were eating thanksgiving dinner today and I miss the arm full of slobber i would get when he would rest his head on my arm when we would eat dinner just waiting for us to finish. I know they say time heals the pain but it hurts so much right now. I see him all over the house I look at his sofa and I see him laying there. I look in the front room and I see him rolling on his back in making his goofy noises he use to make. I look out the window into the yard and see him looking back at me. Bob you were the best friend i could ever have, no matter what as soon as i came home from a crappy day at work a soon as i walked through the door there you were at the top of the stairs to greet me and then just seeing your happy face it always turned my day around and nothing that day mattered. Bob has made it to the Rainbow Bridge he can run and play and not be in any pain or suffering. You will never be forgotten you are the best. R.I.P. Bob till we see each other again I love you forever and ever.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 02:01:36 +0000

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