It bugs me how there are people who are so pious and dead set on - TopicsExpress


It bugs me how there are people who are so pious and dead set on being holy that they will settle for the contentment of lacking financially all because they truly believe that money is the root of all evil. Before there was ever a such thing as coined money, or the concept of currency altogether, there was evil in the world. There were greedy, lustful people long before money ever came into the picture. Is there a possibility that money isnt the root cause? Id argue that being ignorant is much worse than having wealth. Are we too self-righteous that well pick up a book showing us how to live right, but wont pick up a different book to educate ourselves on the game of wealth? Its like poor minded people have been duped into believing our salvation doesnt come with an investment. Continuing to live a life of poverty and struggle doesnt bring you closer to the infinite knowledge of the creator. If anything, it pushes you further away from experiencing the fullness therein. We see all of these rich and successful people and were so quick to judge their paths to achieving great wealth and success instead of creating our own. Why? Because it will be more possible for a camel to penetrate the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven? Itd be more possible for a poor person to realize that heaven isnt a place you go after you die. God gave you life and wants you to experience life in abundance. Did it ever occur to anyone that money would be included somewhere? To believe that wealth is a bad thing, you dont need more Jesus before itll make sense. You need to grow up and educate yourself. The real wealth is within. Get it together.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 14:49:31 +0000

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