It can only be official after the vetting process: Via calls, - TopicsExpress


It can only be official after the vetting process: Via calls, smses, emails, inboxes and comments I established the atmospheric pressure among fell youth activists and advocates is dense with unconfirmed news of my intentions to contest for a position in the Botswana National Youth Council (BNYC) Board. Some deliver the news genuinely in good faith and others in not so good faith. What I can confirm is; officially I haven’t yet made my intentions publicly and officially known; neither has any campaign or consultation of any nature taken place. It is indeed true that as young Motswana with a spirit of nation building plus commitment and willingness to contribute in shaping the direction of our country for our immediate generation and most importantly generations to come; I have submitted my profile for possible nomination for one of the Board positions as was advertised in the media recently. My silence up to this point is based on nothing else but recognition of the due vetting process; which reserves the right to accept or decline my candidature based on their criteria of operation & requirements. I could; but it would be a bit unethical & suicidal to preempt the outcome of the process. However in the event my profile makes it through the vetting process; officially I will announce and accord each and every one of you honorable comrades the necessary respect you deserve; by consulting; lobbying and were possible seek alliance. I will also be open and welcoming to all fair minded comrades that seek any form of audience. It is normal and natural that news of this nature reaches its audience way before they are made official; I ask for forgiveness for not reaching each and every one of you before the unconfirmed news reached yourselves. As indicated above it was & is purely due to respect of the organizational process & not because I undermine your acumen, goodwill and support in the event the vetting process approves my submission. Yours respectfully: Morena Sephiri II Senkokame Timsbro Dibeko Lydia Manthe Meshack Ralephurwana Moemedi Baikalafi Iran Mfaladi Tony T. Petros Dickson Oabile Mmaba Boniface Disho Guffy S. Jnr Jah-Quin Bots Groovysouls Tlamelo Maureen Segaetsho and many others:
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 06:41:35 +0000

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