It comes to mind that if the people of this country understood - TopicsExpress


It comes to mind that if the people of this country understood what being a citizen of this country means... being a member of the militia... being ready for such things as the bombing in Boston... would those bombs ever have had the chance of being placed... the PC crap against talking out against such things as islamic radicals and terrorists by the left is putting this country in danger, allowing immigration of peoples from countries that want this country destroyed is putting this country in danger... the only real defense we have is the militia fully armed and ready to take action ... it is readily apparent that the islamabama regime does not want to admit that there are islamic terrorists in this country and many of them are ready to kill in the name of islam... and even those who appear to be nice people next door can trun on this country very quickly... islam is our enemy...the greatest enemy this country has ever faced..they want to subjugate and conquer this country and every non-muslim on the face of the earth... the militia is our only real protection from this enemy within our own country... the libtards have infiltrated government at all levels... liberals are only too willing to throw away their constitutional rights and liberties and freedoms to the police.... who are becoming more and more militarized every day... we now have civilian police and law enforcement running around in armored vehicles as if this country is Afghanistan or some other war torn country... INSTEAD OF GROWING AND MILITARIZING THE LAW ENFORCEMENT WE SHOULD BE TRAINING THE MILITIA...WE THE PEOPLE... TO BE USED WHEN NEEDED TO PROTECT OUR COMMUNITIES...
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 19:04:49 +0000

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