It concerns me the level of lies that were fed to the people of - TopicsExpress


It concerns me the level of lies that were fed to the people of Scotland during the referendum campaign and especially during the final days and weeks. One of the biggest lies was regarding safeguarding the NHS from privatisation. I met many people while out canvassing who were going to vote NO because Better Together had said that the only way to avoid the privitisation of the NHS was to vote NO. I knew that it was already being privatised in England and had literature to back this up. Virgin have been making profits from patients for over 8 years (Better Together denied this). But because it was the government who were spinning these massive lies, many people tended to believe them. After all, the government wouldnt lie....... would they??? Or would they.... Not only had they already started privatising the English NHS, they had planned much much further privatisation. This latest £1.2 BILLION contract is just the latest where private businesses will be able to put profits before patients. Im not saying the NHS doesnt need an overhaul but it should always be kept in the publics hands. Giving all decision-making on cancer and end-of-life care to private companies is simply morally wrong. I hear people saying but the NHS is devolved in Scotland. This is almost completely true, but not quite. The funding is NOT devolved. We receive a percentage of what is spent in England, and as they spend less, the actual financial amount Scotland receives will be cut. That is very simple and straightforward. So how will Scotland fund its struggling NHS with a few million pounds less??? The answer is simple, it wont be able to. Had we voted YES, we would have kept the £BILLIONS that we currently send to subsidise the rest of the UK, which would have allowed us to invest in our NHS to make it much more viable. Instead, we are going to see massive cuts, which in turn will most likely result in the privatisation of certain areas. That will also mean job cuts and many having to reapply for their jobs but on less attractive terms. But hey, dont blame me, i voted YES. Mike Strachan.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 12:39:02 +0000

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