It does take a US President to remind us of our heritage and rich - TopicsExpress


It does take a US President to remind us of our heritage and rich culture.. Arise .. Awake ..India. Follow your faiths more, read your bhagavadh gitas, bibles and quraans more often.., Pay a more frequent - humble visit to your temples , churches and mosques more often than what it is now.. teach your children to speak more of your own mother tongue - India..not english all the time I say, your kids schools will do that job for you..but mother tongue is something that is in your hands as parents of 1 to 15 yr olds of today! Nowhere is it more necessary for that foundational value to be upheld than in India. India will succeed as long as it is not splintered along the lines of religious faith - Barack Obama, US President I know most of you may not have missed this historic speech at The Siri Fort Auditorium by Obama... But just in case you it is.. i had missed most of the happenings in the last few days and am catching up on the internet.. and it sends goose bumps all over.. India... you have arrived.. Indians still have to..but.. When he says - Look at the diversity in this very hall.. India is defined by countless languages dialects every colour cast creed gender and orientations .. it sets me thinking!! My take away from the first few minutes of watching...The advent of Westernisation that the last ten years india has been experiencing that boils down to every household.. we are all after one language !! English - We somewhere ..our Children mostly due to our ways of upbringing slowly are getting cut away from their roots... as i continue watching.. i realise I need to work hard on teaching my little fellow to speak more in my mother start with.. much to be achieved.. for else , our children cant claim a word of the rich Indian culture and heritage , an American President is seen here reminding us about ourselves... If the same trend continues of our (present generation parents of 1-15 yr olds) if we feel lazy to teach our children about our family customs and traditions ..the most basic being mother tongue.. Very soon the next gen US President can conveniently OMIT the parah about diversity in Dialects bit! https://youtube/watch?v=eX9ry6PvNhw
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 19:35:56 +0000

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