It doesnt help no matter how much knowledge and information you - TopicsExpress


It doesnt help no matter how much knowledge and information you have acquired unless and until you have obtained the genuine and authentic essence of education. I read Sogyal Rinpoches International Best Selling Book The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying which is a really good book with good flow, profound meaning, explicit in defining the terms and I can still remember how I cried while I read that book. But I was shocked when I saw this video of him dancing with western young girls in a monastery!!! DANCING WITH WESTERN YOUNG GIRLS IN A BUDDHIST MONASTERY!!!! WHAT DO YOU THINK IF DALAI LAMA NOTICES IT? CAN WE DANCE LIKE THAT IN AN ISLAMIC CHURCH? HINDUS TEMPLE? SIKHS DOME? IF NOT WHY? It overwhelmingly overshadowed my image of Sogyal Rinpoche. Because: 1) Monastery is a sacred place where the Dharma is taught and practiced. If I highlight briefly the inception of monastery, when monsoon falls, lots of small creatures are born and start coming out to make living, so its inappropriate to roam outside to receive food. Buddha decided to remain at one place and so kings and wealthy people sponsored to build hut for Buddha and his Sangha to stay and also brought right amount of food and offerings. More People visit Buddha to receive teachings on time and it became crowded too. Thats how a king suggested to build a big hall where many people can manage to receive teachings. 2) Today, we call it monastery. Its a spiritual place where only Dharma is practiced and taught. And even after Buddhism spread in Tibet and China etc, this tradition remains healthy and practical. We all should always differentiate and know what we are doing. You are bringing destruction if you are mixing everything to please other and show how open minded you are. Buddhism doesnt belong to any individuals definition and style. It has its own ethical disciplines. And we must be more careful in this age of degeneration. 3) This video provoked more curiosities to explore what Sogyal Rinpoche is really doing with Buddhism. What I saw afterward shocked me again... click here you will see https://youtube/watch?v=yWhIivvmMnk
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 22:17:31 +0000

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