It doesn’t matter if an American is a conservative, a liberal, - TopicsExpress


It doesn’t matter if an American is a conservative, a liberal, left-wing, right-wing, or anywhere in between, nearly ALL of us agree that our government is dysfunctional. The question is “How do we fix it?” The answer is Term Limits. Now wait a second before you roll your eyes and move on to the next recipe on your timeline… LOL.. Nearly everyone agrees that this would break the aristocracy of the US Congress, but most don’t believe that it is possible. What I hear commonly are people saying that there is NO WAY that Congress would vote for term limits and thereby hamstring themselves. Well, if you are one of those that feel this way, you are right about Congress not voting for Term Limits, but you are WRONG if you are not aware that THERE IS ANOTHER WAY! This is what most do not realize and Congress would prefer that Americans not know. THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION CAN BE AMENDED WITHOUT U.S. CONGRESSIONAL APPROVAL. Our forefathers, having fought for the freedom from the governance of an aristocracy, were more than aware that the day might come when a similar aristocracy would arise. In planning for such an occasion, Article Five of the U.S. Constitution was written to include an option for amending the U.S. Constitution WITHOUT U.S. CONGRESSIONAL APPROVAL. That’s right! We can amend the Constitution to impose Term Limits on members of the U.S. Congress WITHOUT their approval. Per Article 5, should Two Thirds of the States present an Amendment and the presented Amendment then be ratified by Three Quarters of the States, it shall become LAW. The first step to making this happen is to educate EVERY American on this option.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 23:56:27 +0000

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