It feels like Im floating. Like Im tied to nothing and dont even - TopicsExpress


It feels like Im floating. Like Im tied to nothing and dont even have a body. The feeling is even more profound because I cant move even though it feels like Im soaring! I know its not true...Ive been shuffling through my memories.... I was once a child. A being with a body...I remember a school...and...and terrible monsters. I was a warrior? But... How did I get here? What happened? Why am I only seeing darkness all around me? Its not a matter of fact, its rather soothing. But I shouldnt be alone, yet I am. I know I have family. Their faces are blurred but their voices...I can hear them clearly as if they were right next to me. Lirshna? Like that! I heard that! Such a beautiful sound! Deep and rich...seeping to the very depths of my soul. It makes me want to fly higher and higher. I feel myself smile just by the sound... Lirshna, come back... Come back? To where? Why dont you come to me? I dont even know where to go. I need guidance; I feel the urgency in your voice. I dont like how sad it sounds... I know you can hear me, lirshna. I feel you, just barely there. Give me a hand here, then! I dont understand. I want to be with you! I KNOW you! Help me, please! How can I hear you but not see you? I want to see. I WANT to SEE!! There! THERE! Right in front of me! I can see your lips, your cheeks. Such beautiful hair, almost as dark as the world Im in yet, luminous. Wait, why are you crying? Are you crying? I dont see your eyes.... No, I dont like hearing those tears. Its like theyre shards of glass scraping down that wondrous skin. Stop that, dont cry for me. Im fine, Im here! Please, sir, please dont let those tears mar your face. It has been too long. I followed your wishes. He whispers. What wishes? I let you be, but I can not continue doing so anymore. You let me be? I told you to go away? Why?! No!! Come back. Too long has it been since you left me. I will not walk away again. I am here, lirshna. I am here... I want to scream! I want to cry out your name even though I cant remember it for the life of me! Stop talking like that. Im here! Im here, too! Im just lost. Please, just tell me what to do! My essence hurts; it aches to soothe your ache. I dont want to be here anymore I want OUT! LET ME OUT! A gasp, one of wonder and delight. It still doesnt satisfy me... You are responding? Yes, yes, YES! I WANT to be back!! I WANT you to stop crying! I WANT to be physically near your voice instead of just wondering! I WANT to SEE you! Shh, do not struggle so. Listen carefully... NO! I want to get out of here! Help me get out of here!! Let it come to you. Do not fight. Not everything in life is about battle. Ease out, do not fight the restraint. Ease out? This is infuriating! What do you mean? Im trapped! IM STUCK! Ground yourself, lirshna. Ground....I remember you saying that once before. Ground myself? Ground... Let all else fall away from you. Do not fear the sense of loss. Do not fear...the loss...yes. Ok. No fighting. I will not fight. Its hard. Its so damned hard. I want to be with you now...stop, stop. You heard him. Calm yourself. Ground yourself. Focus on the goal. Do not let fear grab a hold of you, let your desires flow. Another breath of delight. You are moving! Your body is moving! Yes, keep it up. Come back! I can feel myself smiling again. Now whos the urgent one? Oh, I see something! Its you again! Youre not as blurry as before. The darkness is fading, falling away like chunks of glass. Your light, not blinding but oh, so very bright! I...I think I can smell you. Mm, you smell wonderful. I dont think Ive ever smelled something quite so peaceful. Like stardust and moonlight, wildflowers and honey. I want more. I want to feel you. Would it be bad if I reached out to you, now? Please, I want to hold you...I want you to hold me... Hah! Yes! Yes, Rella, youre doing it! Rella? Someone else called me that...seems like forever ago...who was that? It wasnt you, that person was immensely different. You adopted that that other with you? No, no! Dont fall again! No, Rella, please! Im...Im falling? I didnt mean to. I just...I feel like something is missing now. Like Im leaving a part of myself behind. I wonder if you would be able to help me find out. Could you? Oh, what am I thinking, you cant even hear me! I have so many questions, and that feeling of leaving a piece of me behind is only growing stronger. I need your help. Im coming! I have to come back, though. I cant stay with you forever. This needs to get fixed. Hold my hand like before, lirshna. I have you. Just dont slip away. Yeah, if I had a hand that would help things out SO much mo--woah. I feel something! Its...solid? Like where my hand should be! Are you holding my hand? Do I have a body?! God, squeeze it again! Squeeze it! I need to feel that once more!! A sob of loss. No... What do you mean, no?! SQUEZE MY HAND DAMMIT! Dont YOU give up on me now! I need this! WE need this! Grragh! SQUEEZE! Ow! Did I do that? Oops... crushed my fingers. Yeah, get the hint! I mean, I didnt mean to hurt you, I feel really bad about that. Just--OW!! Your body reacted! You havent left?! Owwww that hurt! Wait, that hurt? Hah! Im close! Do it again! Squeeze me again! I have you, Rella. Im not letting go. Im right here! Yes! There! I can feel the tugging! I can feel the pressure! Im coming to you! I see you even clearer now! I...I remember your name! I DO know who you are! Oh, lirshna. The king breathed as he felt Rellas fingers tighten around his once more. He waited for what seemed like hours as her body twitched and her face contorted into grimaces of pain. 3 months had passed since she was found lying on the front steps of his palace. Not once had she made any sign of life, no matter how often he came by to speak with her. Until today. As her fingers clenched around his once more he held his breath. Rella whimpered and groaned but still didnt open her eyes. He whispered words of encouragement, urging her to keep moving forward, to come back to the living. When she began to whisper slurred words his heart soared with excitement and pride. He cupped a hand behind her head, sitting her body up slightly as he felt her presence spark once more. Then, her eyes squeezed tighter. With a smile slowly spreading across his lips, Rellas eyes fluttered before finally opening. With a sigh she slowly turned to face him with a tired grin. Nathaniel. She breathed reverently. With a whoop of joy Nathaniel picked her up from her recovery cell and crushed her to his chest. He planted kisses all over her face never once letting go of her hand. When he pulled back to look at her again she was giggling and staring up at him with wide silver eyes. Eyes that matched his. The relief that speared through him would have brought him to his knees had he not already been sitting. Rella had been refreshed, completely cleansed of all that had transpired between her and the tainted human. The disease that the human Sara held and continued to spread to the others had planted itself inside of Nathaniels other half. Rella and Zoraiya had fought against it fervently but had ultimately failed as it consumed them both, sending them through dark times and imprisoning them within their own minds. But now... Now she would start anew. Now he could truly be by her side and be the teacher he wasnt able to be the first half of her life. Where the hell did you go? He hissed at her, his smile never fading. Rella cuddled closer into his chest and deeply inhaled his scent. It was dark. I dont know where it was or what had happened to take me there. But it felt nice. She clutched the front of his black and purple leather vest, marveling at how it actually felt more like silk. It felt nice even though I knew it was wrong... Nathaniel brushed her ebony hair away from her eyes and tilted her chin so that she was face to face with him. Dont ever allow doubt to eat at you like that again. I will not force you to remember everything all at once right now, but-- Eventually Ill have to remember so that I may learn. Rella smiled, her eyes swirling with specks of different colors before the silver swallowed them back. I know. Im just glad to see you again. The real you. I heard you in there. With a shaky laugh Nathaniel nodded, Rellas hand unlocking from his to brush the tracks of tears away from his cheeks. Dont cry. She whispered. It isnt like I died... Nathaniel bit back his retort, wanting nothing more than to tell her that in a sense, she DID die. That for the third time in her human life she had been on the precipice, close to experiencing what the other human had. Standing up from his seat with Rella still in his arms, Nathaniel began to walk out of the infirmary, dashing all of his negative thoughts away. Where are we going? Rella inquired. To bathe you, clothe you, then Im going to feed you. He responded with a glint in his eye that dared her to challenge him. Instead, Rella smiled once more and wrapped her arms around his neck without a sound. The only thing Nathaniel wondered as he marched down the hall was why she had yet to ask about her husband. The young man still remained in his coma like state, no one even pondering to move him away from Rella. Arkadiy slept soundly in his own recovery cell, making no progress at all. Not wanting Rella to feel his confusion and heartbreak for the boy, Nathaniel switched his thoughts to the tasks to come. Zeig and Nathaniel had reviewed the memories they had taken from Rella and Arkadiy. There had been a battle, one that had left scars on their souls and wounds that had even inflicted themselves on Nathaniel and his wife. There would be no rushing Rella, but they needed answers. The truth of the nullified beings and their realms demise still remained within Rella. Where did the Nodrie go? How did that realm fall? What had caused Rella and Arkadiy to experience such a traumatizing event? Clutching the girl even tighter Nathaniel sighed and filed the thoughts away for another day. For now, he just wanted to spend time with her, to make her happy. And as they stepped into the giant bathhouse, a waterfall and three maidens that had once been Xoraeas personal maids greeting them, Nathaniel had an idea as to how it could be done. Leaving Rella with the excited girls, Nathaniel raced out of the bathhouse and flashed to his study. It was time to contact all of their old friends and pull some strings. Time for a party.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 18:08:31 +0000

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