It happened fast, like a slip on wet tile. The cloud I’d been - TopicsExpress


It happened fast, like a slip on wet tile. The cloud I’d been watching fell to the ground with and ear splitting scream. Stunned and confused I raced towards the gurgling and sloshing noises I could hear from across the hill. I navigated the rocks and grass as quick as I could, finally peeking out from over a large boulder. I looked on with eye widening shock, taking in the endelable scene. The cloud was being strangled by a lake, flowing tendrils of water grasping and squeezing the cloud, like a Kraken might crush a sailing ship. The cloud fluctuated in colors as it fought against the strength of the lake’s tendrils. I tried to think of how I could help the poor cloud as it gurgled and sputtered, struggling to find air through the flowing liquid of the lake’s menacing appendages. I quickly looked into my survival pouch and realized there was only one thing I could do. Pulling out my last two Quantom Flux Grenades, I pulled the pins and raced down the hill side towards the lake. As I neared the edge I stopped and threw the grenades as hard as my small arms could muster. Diving behind a tree stump, I waited for the blast. “CRUMP! BANG! KABOOM! HISS!” Steaming hot pieces of congealed heavy water fell down all around me. It burned whatever it touched. I found myself rolling in the rocky dust of the shore to keep from having my flesh be seared. At last I was able to look up. As my eyes fell upon the scene, I felt myself being lifted off the ground. “What?” I exclaimed, spinning around seeing myself being enveloped by a white and grey mist. “We must flee…” The mist whispered. Its mental voice strained and weary from the contest with the lake. “Why? The lake was half vaporized and what’s left is just quivering at the low water mark.” “It will re-glue…” Whispered the misty cloud, which was becoming denser and starting to carry me higher. “We must flee…” I, unable to alter my fate, simply nodded and let the cloud take me aloft. The air was cool and the wind breezy as it blustered through my heavy clothing. I prayed the cloud would not go to high. I feared I might not have enough air to breath. But my fears were removed as the cloud swooped down through a canyon and nestled itself amongst the large and tall evergreen trees. Like a bank of fog, it let itself rest upon the forest floor. “Thank you…” It whispered to me. “If you had not saved me, I would have been devoured by the Devil Lake.” Regaining my feet and brushing the dirt from my clothes, “No worries! I’m was meaning to use those grenade today anyway. You needing help as you did, just happened to be good timing. I’m glad you’re okay.” I realized that the cloud had fallen asleep. I guessed the ordeal with the Devil Lake had been very exhausting. I peered through the dense fog, which now was thick and stagnant upon the forest floor. Letting my hands reach out first, I made my way upslope. I knew I would need to get out of the clouds body, in order to get my bearings. The fog eventually parted, allowing me to see from the top of the small ridge line. I could see Dynamo Mountain to the East and Lavaman Hill to the North. I knew I had ended up pretty far from home, but at least I was safe and wasn’t lost. Pulling out my handy ACME Shrubbery Partition Device, I followed the trail that it made through the underbrush. As night began to fall, I stopped underneath an outcropping of stone and gathered some loose wood to build a small cook fire. In no time at all I was leaning back comfortable against the stone face of an outcropping and sipping on my Do Wonders and Stuff Tea, by ACME Universal Exports. Gazing up at the stars through the thinner upland canopy, I figured I’d be home by tomorrow night at the latest. My thoughts soured a bit as I remembered that I was no on the other side of the Ferocious River. I set my tea cup down and grabbed my survival bag. I hoped I’d remembered to bring some of the ACME Instant Bridge Powder with me. Shuffling in and around my gear, I raised my head, wondering how I would be able to get across the river. Having not planned to cross any rivers when I left the other morning, I hadn’t packed the powder. With a concerned look on my face and thoughts of dealing with the angst of that Ferocious River running through my mind, I fell asleep. Morning came with clear skies and the smell of fresh dew upon the pine needles. Making sure to bury the ashes from the previous night’s flames, and gathering all my gear, I headed out in a North Easterly direction. I’d have several hours to hike before I dropped down into the Ferocious River’s Gorge. I figured, or at least hoped that I could figure out a plan by the time I reached the river’s upper ledges. To my surprise and luck as I crested the last hill to the ridge of the rivers ledge, I spied an ACME Automated Bumble Man, buzzing around, tending to the pollination of the upland flowers. Carefully approaching the large mechanical flying creature, I called out, “Excuse me?” The Bumble Man turned, “Whatzzz Doozz Youzzz Wantzzz?” Its reverberating wings causing the Bumble Man’s voice to resonate. “Could you spare a moment of your time to carry me across this Ferocious River? It’s far too angry for me to cross on my own.” I kept my own voice calm as to not agitate the pollinator. I knew from my cousin that when agitated they could become quite over winded and might buzz me more than I was prepared for. “Whatzzz Inzzz Itzzz Forzzz Meezzzz?” The Bumble Man asked. Having had a moment to ponder this new situation, I reached into my survival pouch and pulled out an ACME Advanced Automated Instantanious Re-Charger. It was the latest version so I hoped the Bumble Man would agree to the trade. “Here. I can give you this.” The Bumble Man buzzed happily as it took the Charger and inserted one end into its power intake orifice. “Kayzzz! Weezz Havezzzz azzz Dealzzzz!” I soon found myself saying good bye to the helpful Bumble Man and took a look at the surroundings of the far shore where I found myself to be. There were two heavily travel paths into the woods. Both seemed to go in the direction I needed to be heading, but I wasn’t sure which one was the correct one. I had only been musing the choice for a moment, when the choice was made for me by a stampeding herd of ACME’s Ever-Ready Turkey Bots. I ran down the left path as they came charging out from the other. I stopped and turn back after getting to a safe distance. I could see the herd charge into the Ferocious River without any hesitation. The River coughed and hissed at the intrusion. “It’s a good thing Turkey Bots are Waterproof.” I chuckled to myself as I turned, leaving the scene behind and making my way down the trail. I had traveled a goodly distance and I found myself weary, having not stopped for lunch. I came to a point in the trail where it took a sharp downturn and zigzagged along the size of rather high cliff. I had made it half way down the switch back when the ground began to rumble. I looked all around me, as my hands clung to the face of the cliff. “Is this an Earthquake?” I wondered. The rumbling continued and got louder. I was about to start heading back up the cliff for my safety when my eyes spied the source of the commotion. I laughed as it was my neighbors ACME Giant Traveling Pig. It recognized me and had stopped. “Hi Gertrude!” I shouted, making my way down the cliff. “Squeeel!” Gertrude replied, wiggling its curled tail in excitement. “Can you take me home Gertrude?” I asked while rubbing one of her giant ears. “Squee…Squeal. Sequeee!” Gertrude nodded. “Thank you so much!” I happily replied jumping from the cliff onto the giant swine’s back. It didn’t take long before Gertrude had thunder back down the small valley and stopped at my Village’s main intersection to let a rather aggressive ACME Sharpa Speed Sheep to bleat its way down the highway, burning wool as it went. I rubbed Gertrude’s ears in thanks and she knelt down, so that I could slide off. “Thank you again!” I told her. I watched as she wagged her ears at me and happily scampered off to play with the other ACME Giant Traveling Pigs, down at Nom-Nom Playground. I was glad to finally be walking back up to my home. The last two days had been quite the adventure. As I turned the key to unlock my front door, I wondered if I would ever see that cloud again. Opening my door, I walked inside… and promptly stopped… “What?” I exclaimed. Before me was a small patch of fog, lingering in my main hall way. “Who are you?” I asked. The miniature fog bank rose up and nuzzled against me, making my shirt rather damp. “Mama says I have to stay with you.” “Mama?” I spoke, then realizing that this little path of fog was a child of the one that I’d left back in the forest. “Is your Mama okay?” I asked, concerned, having heard a quiver of sadness in the little patch’s thoughts. “She has to go the sea to get well.” The fog whispered, “I’m to stay with you until she returns in fall.” I smiled and rubbed the fog patches top moisture, “Okay. I guess I’ll have to introduce you to the other little ones that are staying here. I carried the little fog patch into a back room where she immediately crackled with excited static. The room was filled with young rain drops, granite gooses and lava lizards. The little patch was eager to go play. “It’s okay little one, they are all friendly.” I watched them all play for a while, and then turned back towards the front entrance of my house. Reaching up above the front window I pulled down the open sign. “Elementer’s School for Things that Matter, All Elements Accepted.”
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 21:48:50 +0000

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