It has become a painful experience to hear IK speeches these days. - TopicsExpress


It has become a painful experience to hear IK speeches these days. Devoid of any substance and evidence but full of personal slurs and baseless accusations. When I hear him I see a man who is burning from inside. He is in denial. He looks like a sportsman who cant handle defeat. He simply cant accept the obvious that people cant see what he sees. Democracy is not about believing in something - like massive rigging or corruption - and asking people to have blind faith in you. Democracy is about enabling people to see clearly through so that they can make informed decisions. He thinks his job is to rescue people from Nawaz and Zaradri who he believes are corrupt, incompetent and selfish. He is wrong. His job is to expose their corruption and incompetence either by outperforming them in KPK or by providing clear evidence so that people can clearly see he is a better choice than Nawaz and Zaradri. He is refusing to realize that people are not ready to share his view that Nawaz, Zardari etc are manipulating them for decades turn by turn. If people are happy with them then it means they are not ready to embrace his envisioned change. He needs to go back to people and do more hard work. But perhaps he doesnt want to do it the hard way. He needs to realize that it was never between him and Nawaz. It is between the traditional politics and politics of change. Unfortunately he is making the status quo party heads like Nawaz, Zaradri, Altaf etc look like sane and visionary who are the only options left to rescue Pakistan from the madness of Khan. His imminent defeat will be a victory for traditional politicians who all have joined hands to protect the status quo. It will be a defeat for the hopes of all those Pakistanis who wanted change. They stood behind IK because they wanted to get rid of the traditional politics of family business, deceit, corruption and favoritism epitomized by Nawaz and Zardari. It looks like all those hopes are going to bury with the politics of Khan in few days. It will be business as usual after that for Pakistani nation and Khan will have no one to blame but himself.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 07:09:05 +0000

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