It has been 3 weeks today since my feet landed back in Reality. - TopicsExpress


It has been 3 weeks today since my feet landed back in Reality. My trip feels like it was a dream but is still ever-present in my head. I’ve had to accept the hard truthful fact that it’s NEVER going to go away so I am learning to live with it. The Man’s now a little entity that has taken up permanent residence in my soul. I love his company - it has brought joy when I have been bored out of my gourd at work. It has brought my tamped-down artistic being to the fore, but good grief it needs a snooze alarm or something so I can have a Time Out! Forced myself to go to bed early with a pill last night because I have been so wound up and needed some serious rest. I really hate doing that because sleeping pills make me so groggy the next day, but I feel slightly more sane – it’s definitely gonna be a 2-cup-of-coffee day here. :P I was so tired I didn’t even finish framing up my art project last night, nor go to Gomeroke which I always hate to miss. I think I was finally able to really sleep because that is finally DONE. All the frenetic energy I had driving me while in that process has ebbed. Something inside me drove me to madness, it was important for my soul to do it, repressed feelings needed an outlet. Now it’s just a matter of framing and putting on the backing and then I WILL POST PICS!! Thank you to Phrannie and my Short List friends who saw it in-process, your encouragement and advice were much appreciated. Also thanks to Brian for taking DECENT pics of it (my phone camera SUCKS). NOW AT LAST I can start working some serious writing. I’ve been picking at it here and there, but now that this obsession has left me I’m able to channel my focus on writing my book. I’d love to get it done by the Holidays, or at least a good solid draft. If you’re good boys and girls I’ll give you a copy to read over Christmas break - LOL! Morning mood music in my ears today:
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 14:48:12 +0000

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