It has been a busy few days! Jake did great in therapy last - TopicsExpress


It has been a busy few days! Jake did great in therapy last week, getting the biggest response from the right bicep ever! Come on righty, keep waking up! Jake got his new afo brace for his right leg on Friday and his walking looks so much better already! He is more even and it is hinged so it can allow for some ankle movement. This is a step in the right direction! In fact Jake walked just over a half a mile yesterday! Jake has also been enjoying his new found freedom of his power chair and as an added bonus we have learned a ride on big brothers lap will calm down a two year old who is done with the mall! The instructor for the adaptive kayaking program reached out to us and let us know of an upcoming opportunity for Jake not only to work with Larry with the kayaks again but to be a part of a documentary coming up! Jake was very excited when we told him and is looking forward to another kayak experience next month! Jake was happy to attend his buddy Nicks birthday party this weekend, he saw some friends for the first time since his accident! Fatigue is still a factor! Jake is usually in bed by 830 or 9pm...and he starts getting really tired after about 7:30pm. Usually when he is tired he has more difficulty remembering names, staying on topic and he gets very silly. So he had to keep saying everyones names a couple times, but did fairly well. This is so different than the morning, he wakes early he is fill of energy wanting to do his school work by 7 in the morning if we are not leaving for therapy and he even reminds me of what we need to do that day! Tim and I wer talking about the day of his accident and reminding ourselves, you just never know what you are guaranteed. The day of Jakes accident he slept in until about 11am, had a sleepover night before, he was with his dad from 1pm on, working in the garage, getting the bike and gear ready, he was perfectly fine all day. Did not have one of his knock down headaches (anyone who has known Jake a long time knows of these, as well as the nurse at school) He rode perfectly fine for hours. Then, the unthinkable. He suffered a brain bleed, which enabled his right side, then the crash, as doctors later explained. We always thought we cherished every second, but I am sure we do now! You just never know. God is good, we continue to enjoy every milestone Jake reaches!
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 18:10:40 +0000

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